Chapter 6. Garden party

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"Kate you need to relax there's no point getting worked up over Colin " Anthony said walking into the middle of the living room as she stared out the window "I am calm bit Colin needs to understand he can't go around hurting ladies hearts " she replied taking a look at the Featherington house her heart sink all it often did she had enough sense to already know too much. "Kate Colin has been friends with Peneople for many years someday he was going to step his foot into it" he said shaking his head as he couldn't understand why it bothered his wife so much now she may not say that it bothers her, that colins words that night had also hurt her in some way, he didn't entirety fully understand his wife sometimes she felt different as if she wasn't really here with him in England and now with her reaction towards Colin he dreaded to think she might resent him in someway "you wouldn't understand Anthony" her voice caught his attention no that's where she's wrong well.. right he doesn't understand but wrong to think he won't try to in his stubborn way. "Then you will tell me" he said closing the door "what are you doing?" Kate questioned looking at him "you said I won't understand therefore I'm ensuring there's no one coming in while you explain " Anthony declared as he took a seat by her dressing table, Kate looked at him as if to wait for him to laugh and leave the room but he simply looks at her to continue maybe it was time to come clean...


Peneople had returned to her room of course no one bothered her as she cried to herself Colin simply hasn't been back for a mere 5 days and already has her eyes stinging from the tears as she recalled how her heart stinged that night with pain.. she swore no more wishing for him to see her, no matter how much she hated it staying away from him would be best it was obvious he did not return her feelings 'silly girl why would Colin Bridgerton write to you"  her mother taunting remarks creeped into her mind as she stared at the unopened letters under her bed collecting dust.. his letters she hasn't received that many before it was surprising how many times the letters went unnoticed by her family as she told them they were from Elosie.
Oh how she wished they were.. maybe she could answer if the were from her oldest dearest friend but a doubt creeped in Elosie was horrid that night but so was she.. oh what a mess somehow Peneople managed to land herself in more trouble than Whistledown..

Three days later

The scenery in Hyde Park was busy with a large displays of makeshift tents all up at each side of the land boxing in the people who walked around the tables which were coated in stunning colourful fabrics to  showcase different flowers, jewellery, foods, drinks along with wonderfull paintings and equipment.

It was quite a fun evnet families enjoying picnics together, men chatting away while standing next to their winning horses in the next field, birds chirping as they flew by, a music band playing softly in tune with the children laughter as they ran around playing with their new toys, making friends, pushing and pulling their way their the crowds, innocently playing their games.

Like most familes the Bridgretons had a tent to themselves which they know share with Daphne and Simon who came with their son who was in his father's arms as Simon spoke with Anthony..

"I'd rather be at home playing a game than here" Elosie groaned sounding fed up as she walked to stand next to Colin who was of course standign next tbe tbe table which had much food as he eat his pastry he thought to himself how he actually agrees with her normally he enjoyed this event but he has been thinking of ways to speak to Peneople and such a public place surrounded by nosy ton people isn't a good idea especially when he didn't know in the slightest how things would turn out or what to say.

"it is fun Elosie, besides once someone wraps mother into conversation you can sneak out" colin said smiling at his sister who seemed to like that plan "how come you ain't sneaking off?" She asked she asked placing up a small sandwich before eating it he wasn't about to mentioned the fact that even though he wouldn't say anything now he still wanted to see Peneople... he hadn't seen her that last nights ball but her mother and sisters were there he heard Portia announced tell Violet and Kate that Peneople wasn't feeling well enough to attend but what bothered colin was how Portia immediately talked about how her other daughter had been asked to dance why didn't she talk more about Peneople...aube it was his own need to know more about her illness had it been because of him ? Of course it was..

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