Chapter 5. lovers conversation

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Inside the Featherington house it was quiet and that is exactly what Peneople needed as she stood by the heavy drapes in her bedroom, the morning light shining through the windows these four walls have kept her serect her happy moments even her lonely cries in the night although her worse cry kast that night Colin had broken her heart, yes these walls were a refuge from her mother, sisters, the ton people now from Elosie and Colin..

The walk way was empty apart from a single man walking on the opposite side he walked on pass looking as if he had some important meetings since he held what looks like journals and papers.

once he got to the steps outside the Featherington house a sudden feeling began in his stomach he was nervous... what exactly could he say to fix this wod a simply apology do? He thought to himself as he knocked among her door he realised their friendship was never like this it never had that awkward moment in fact when he was with her it was easy she's his best friend therefore this would have to be a damn good apology not the fake ones he give his siblings after fighting this one he would fully mean. "Ah Mr.Bridgerton " fredrick voice pulled Colin from his thoughts sending a quick smile and a nod which wasn't how many would react towards servers. "I am here to see Pene- Miss.Peneople Featherington " Colin said clearing his throat slightly it also wasn't proper to call a lady by her first name unless related or married, fredrick raised his eyebrow before replying "of course sir please enter " fredrick alone Colin in before closing the door "I'll show you to the living quarters" the two gentlemen walked into the room and as Colin entered he immediately observed that Mrs.Featherington taste in decor ranged from simple to bright colours he didn't care for much of Mrs.Featherington taste in anything "please excuse me while I inform Miss.Featherington of your arrival " Colin nodded thanking him "I will return with tea sir"
"It's okay no need to go to any trouble " Colin said truth is he was much too nervous about what was about to happen that his appetite might do without for a moment but fredrick shook his head "Miss Featherington informed me that you are to by served food at any arrival" fredrick informed Colin before leaving it surprised colin to find out she actually talked to her house staff about him even if it was to prevent hunger sounds he smiled she thought of him .. it made his nerves worse what would he say? ' I'm dreadfully sorry' that didn't seem good enough at all this was Peneople his friend she was there through everything now but now aftef his crurl words would she listen to him now?

A knock pulled Peneople from her thoughts "yes?" She asked "you have a visitor madam a gentleman caller" fredrick informed her if Peneople was tired she's certainly wide awake now a gentleman caller?? For her?? Who could it be?? Maybe it's the man she danced with last night ??

Peneople stood by the doors which were closed she took a deep breath before opening a door as all her thoughts of a gentleman caller this was different..
Colin was to busy in his thoughts he hadn't noticed Peneople standing in the middle of the room "Mr.Bridgerton.. " her voice caught his attention once eyes caught a glance at Peneople there she was standing in a baby green dress, her red hair was down framing her face. "I apologise mr.Bridgerton i was not expecting you " she said greeting him with a bow as he returns the bow. "It's quite alright Peneople" colin greeted her with a bow she give him a polite smile in return "what brings you hear ?" Peneople asked holding herself like a lady Colin continued to stare as he thought of what to say "I.. Peneople.." Colin started "I came here because I have questions I think you can answer " Colin stated damn it that sounded rude too demanding..

"What answers could I possible have for you Mr.Bridgerton " Peneople said in return the use of his second name never bothered him in fact it was a powerful name one that work in many favours but right now he hated hearing it especially from Peneople's lips

"Peneople will you please tell me what I did wrong? " Colin questioned again with his arm reaching across the floor "Why you danced with a stranger but refuse me? " he didnt expect that to be a question but none the else he wanted to know "why you insisted on calling my Mr.Bridgerton when I've always been Colin to you, Peneople you didn't return any of my letters it made me mad to think you were ill until my family informed me of your good health and now I return home only to have you ingore me tell me what I did Pen say it" Colin demanded staring at her but before Colin to say anything further the door opened more as fredrick stood stand hiding a tray of tea, biscuits and sandwiches "Madam and Mr.Bridgerton " he greeted the pair as he placed the tray on the table infront of them, Colin waited for the butler to leave after all he was determined to find out what was wrong, why she wouldn't dance with him? Why she didn't response to his letters?

Forsaken Love ~ Polin Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz