chapter 6: fake suitor

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The garden felt cold as if it was December Colin Bridgerton stood wrapping his jacket across his body his arms remaining crossed tighting guarding himself.. the feeling of bewildered and confusion .. the garden felt gloomy full of anguish as he looked around a sudden sound of fabric rubbing against itself in a flash his eyes caught what looked like the a dress run pass a bunch the sound echoed around him but he couldn't see who it was..

"Who's there!!" He shouted and in return the shadow laughed as it suddenly stopped right next to colins with only a large gap between both shadows Colin froze he felt his heart race but as he looked up to find nothing but further darkness ehat whatever it was it carried something bad with a hint of softest


It wasn't until Colin awoke from a not so pleasant dream to feel hus heart beat slow down before sitting up in his bed what sort of nightmare was that?? he wiped his face with his hands, it didn't make any sense why was he dreaming about been stuck in a garden?? Who was in his dream?? Why

As soon as Colin stood up he quickly realised his head was beginning to pop off, hangovers wasn't something that happened often Colin, he barely drank at any given time a small glass with his brothers and friends a few glasses of champagne at events but after his conversation with Peneople hadnt gone well and her ingoring him while walking around with a stragner.... it had somehow made enough reason for Benndict and Colin to drink most.... if not all of the whiskey from the study, he was dead when Anthony finds out just another thing to add to the list.

Colin stood up walking to his closet to get himself dressed for the day, he will ask the butler to pick up more bottles from the market since he didn't fancy going anywhere with a sore head but as he passed his bed collecting his jacket from the chair, Colin Bridgerton realised he still had to apologise to Peneople Featherington for his words last season, for their conversation in her home and for last night as Colin fixed his carvet the thought that if this problem was to be left unresolved more problems might assure it was something he would not let happen do no matter how sore his head was she didn't want to entertain him and he couldn't blame her the feeling of guilt sink into his stomach again it hadn't gone away since yesterday. Her words echod in his mind it was driving him insane, in a ton filled woth people Colin learned that it didn't matter what people thought of him but Peneople simply wasnt like them her opinion mattered.

His mind recalled the night of the ball before he wanted to see her, speak with her in fact it was the only reason he had even gone to the ball after returning from his travels, remembering the moment he saw Peneople standing there she looked different than before Colin couldn't put his finger on it as he watched her speaking with Lady Danbury he always admired how Peneople spoke to anyone who came up to her she was kind and sweet something Colin missed during his travels just like he missed reading her letters, sure enough once he found out that Peneople did in fact know about what he said he immediately thought she would of been more angry with him but as Peneople spoke Colin knew she wasn't angry she wasn't even mean to him nor did she yell or curse instead she was hurt he had hurt her and for some reason he preferred if she had yelled at him heavens maybe even hit him some how losing their friendship felt worse, the look on her face haunted his dreams last night, it hurt him to know his friendship was at risk over his stupid words he just hoped she hadn't meant her words, as Colin left his room something told him that was wishfully thinking.

There was no decision on whether Colin bridgerton had made a mistake or not and since he may himself to be a gentleman he had to fix this, on the night of last year ball it had been he's worse behaviour but now he can add yesterday conversation to the list aswell he never saw her so upset before he didn't like it one bit, Peneople was was right he didn't defend her that night the thought of hurting her so much that she would shut him out, it managed to stop him in his tracks as he now stood at the dinning room door he thought to himself what if he has ruined his friendship... what if Peneople marries and he never gets his friend back.. he had no choice he must apologise to Peneople make things right Colin thought to himself as he walked to the door "Ah Colin you're up, going out? " Colin turned to see Violet standing by the window "I was planning on going for a walk will you join me" she asked colin nodded with a smile how can he say no.

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