Chapter 2 - Planes

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Same Day
I've always loved planes, they just take care of you. They take all the responsibility out of your hands and give you permission to relax, to trust. I've never really had that, I've never felt safe enough to completely relinquish that control, that's all I want in a partner. Someone I can give this burden of controlling every aspect of my life to. This concept is how I know I could never be with a man. I know I would never trust them in that way, just the thought unsettles me. Not that I have a reason in particular not to trust them, I just don't. It's always been that way for me.

That's a lie.

I exit the plane and enter the airport that is riddled with diversity. It's weird here, so many different people but only few look like tourist. This kinda gives me hope, that if these people from all over can make the U.S. their home maybe I can do the same. The thought of being able to openly build a life with Mari implants butterflies in my stomach. Speaking of Mari I need to let my honeybun know I landed. And yes I use cheesy nicknames because they cute and idc what nobody say. And it doesn't matter because I usually just say them to myself because Mari doesn't like them and it makes her upset.

Thea: Hey babe I just landed, about to get a rental and head over. You there already?

While I wait for her to respond I'll go pick up my bags and get a rental.


This man is boring me with all these logistics and payment plans. I just need a stable car that's all.

"Sir, please stop, just give me your best car."

He clears his throat, "Well ma'am our best is very expensive and I don't th-"

"You don't think what?" I say calmly.

"It's just that not many can afford it"

This must've been what Jovi was talking about, this man doesn't know me at all yet he automatically assumes what I can and cannot afford. Dumbass.

"Sir what makes you think I'm one of those many?" He chuckles lightly.

"It's a instinct". Did this dickhead just say a "instinct" all hell nahh.

"Can I get someone else to handle my rental, im not very interested in doing business with ignorant people."

"Well ma'am I assur-"

"I don't need you to assure me  I just need you to get me someone else, preferably who doesn't share your ignorant, 'instincts'" he scoffs.

"Ok whatever"

"Bitch ass", I say in my head because i promised Jovi I wouldn't make any trouble.

A lady walks up to me "Hi, I'm sorry about that. This isn't our first complaint about him." Of course it's not.

"Is there something I can help you with?", she says kindly.

"Yes, and please no need for apologizing especially since you're not the problem. I just want to rent ur best car."

"Ok we can arrange that, the best car we have available right now is our '2023 Honda Civic ', will that be ok?"

She smiles at me as she waits for my response, "Yes, that'll be perfect."

"Alrighty then let's get your info in the system"

See now, was that so hard.

It's takes about 20 mins for me to go through processing and finally get the car. It's nice I like it I feel like it fits me well. It's white and sleek and I love the black interior, and these leather seats baby, oh my goodness. I'm in love. Speaking of love Mari hasn't responded but she's left me on read. That's weird. I'll just head to the restaurant maybe she's waiting on me and accidentally opened my message.

I put "Lane's Place" into the gps and head that way. It's wasn't a long drive just about 10 minutes from the airport. I pull up to the place and it's packed like Mari said but it's only Thursday usually things are booming on Fridays or the weekend. As I walk in the restaurant all the smells infiltrate my nostrils leaving them violated but pleased. Cajun food. I've never had it but it's smells amazing I can't wait to try it. I walk up to the lady at the counter.

"Hi, can I help you?" she asks with a bright smile.

"Yes, I have a reservation for Marceli Nicks"

"Oh ok looks like ur the first of your party to show up, let me show you to your seats"

That's strange, she should be here by now. I check my phone and still on read. Once the women leaves I try calling Mari but she doesn't answer. I order a drink from our waiter "Tyrus" and call again but no answer.


5 hours later

I'm on my 8th drink and my 1000th message probably. I don't know whether to be worried or hurt. Did something happen or did I just get stood up? I don't know what to think, but just before to could conjure up another explanation, a tall figure towers over my booth. As we make eye contact my breath hitches because I don't think I've ever seen someone so beautiful yet so handsome? "Hi, can I sit?"

To be continued...

AN: Hm I wonder who that is?

Thank you for reading ❤️

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