Chapter 8 - Deny. Gaslight. Deflect.

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Friday, Nov 6

After that night things went back to normal. Surprisingly Summer didn't treat me any differently. She didn't act like I was fragile and at any monment could break, she just treated me like me.

This week has been okay. The weekend was great because Summer and I spent a lot of time together. Monday I finally got my car back and Tuesday I decided to just buy it. It was liberating finally having something that I owned. After that the week kind of went "downhill" nothing bad happened it was just Summer was always at work.

I didn't do much because Summer wasn't around. As much as I hate to admit it I've formed an attachment towards her these past few days. When she's not around things just feel blah. Even though she try's to keep in touch as much as she can while at work by texting and calling it just doesn't compare to her actually being near.

Maya's presence has helped lot with Summer's absence. I'd probably go crazy if she wasn't here. We've grown close over these past few days and gotten to know each other better. And shes not as immature as one would think. She has a good head on her shoulders despite everything she's been through. The most amazing part she always maintains that bubbly exterior; always laughing and being playful. I also meet May and Akira when May came to drop Akira off at Summer's. May is so nice and looks similar to Summer. Akira is also very nice, she's shy unless she was around Maya. She was almost like a calmer version of Maya. They compliment eachother I can see why they're best friends.

Right now I'm sitting at the desk staring at Jovi through my laptop screen as he pesters me about my relationship with Summer.

"Jovi, me and Summer are NOT sleeping together"

Well I mean not in a sexual sense but Jovi doesn't need to know that. He'll overreact

"Okay right sure, but like are you interested in her?" he asks with a knowing smirk.

I hesitate. Because am I? Is the attachment I feel more than friendly?

"HA, YOU HESITATED cuz you wanna fuck her admit it."


"Oh my god no I don't."


"I just got out of a relationship that lasted over a year why would I would be interested in anyone right now. That's just ridiculous."


"Not to mention given the current dynamic of our friendship I feel like me sleeping with her would resemble something far to close to prostitution for my liking." He scoffs. "What, no I've slept with people just for a place to stay. I'm not a prostitute."

Works every time.

"Debatable" I say with a smirk. My father was a shitty person but thankfully I picked up on some of his shitty ways. They can be useful at times.

Jovi starts to rant but as I listen I start to zone out do a notification that popped on my screen.

From her.



Summer💛👩‍🍳 you have any plans for tonight?

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