"The crow and the raven."

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In the rain-soaked Gaza strip in Israel, as the chill of fall permeated the August night, a man in a black overcoat observed with a troubled demeanor. The inclement weather was not the cause of his discontent, but rather the unfolding events that had put him in a foul mood. The man, known as Gabriel, possessed an ethereal appearance, with pale skin, snow-white hair, and a matching beard. Furthermore, he held the esteemed title of an archangel and served as the leader of the council of angels.

"Tragic," he murmured, his voice laden with sorrow and heaviness.

Positioned in an alley across from the unfolding scene, Gabriel distanced himself from the gathering crowd in front of a hotel, where chaos seemed to reign. The clamor of the commotion only intensified as distant emergency vehicles grew nearer, their piercing sirens piercing through the air. Just then, five more figures materialized behind Gabriel, each possessing the same ethereal features and snow-white hair.

Among them was Anael, a female counterpart to Gabriel. Raphael, a male with short blonde hair and pale countenance, also stood in their midst. Samael, bearing short brown hair and a beard, accompanied them, while Sachiel exhibited wild, unkempt brown hair and gaunt features. Lastly, Cassiel, with his dark hair and pallid complexion, completed the group. Each of them was concealed beneath a black overcoat, obscuring their forms.

"Gabriel, why have you summoned us?" Raphael inquired, his tone teetering on the edge of annoyance.

"The mortal found it." Gabriel said in a low tone.

The air around them and the mood itself changed, as did the vibe surrounding those words, each had a look on their faces ranging from trepidation to fear.

"You put a stop to it?" Anael asked.

"Yes, but it was too late, the necklace is headed to her as we speak, but the mortal known as Thomas Rivers is dead, and with him the secret to Solomon's temple, he was going to the Vatican to break the news when he awoke in the morning." Gabriel said.

Gabriel's words hung heavy in the air as he shared the grim news. The necklace, despite their efforts, was already en route to its intended recipient. Thomas Rivers, the mortal involved, had met an untimely demise, taking with him the secret of Solomon's Temple. Gabriel revealed that Thomas had planned to disclose the secret at the Vatican upon awakening.

Anael inquired about the existence of any children, to which Gabriel solemnly responded, "Just one, and as I mentioned, it was too late."

Samael interjected, his voice laden with an air of ominous realization, "In that case, these events are inevitable. The priestess of Solomon will be aware, and the children of Kaos will exploit her blood to awaken their father."

However, before Samael's words could fully settle, they all turned to find a man striding confidently among them. His features resembled Gabriel's to some extent, lacking only the beard. It was Michael, whose name commanded respect amidst the gathering of angels.

"Brother, do not mistake inevitability for resignation," Michael interjected firmly, challenging Samael's pessimistic outlook.

"Yes, well Astaroth is already near her. I'm hoping he'll help in diverting the situation." Gabriel said.

"Does he  know yet?" Raphael asked.

Gabriel grew silent his tension emitting.

"Who do you think had the necklace?"
Gabriel said darkly.

He looked at the scene unfolding, lights from the emergency vehicles flooded the area and police were keeping the onlookers at bay.

"And who do you think told him where the necklace was?" Sachiel asked playfully.

Sachiel turned and looked at Cassiel, as if he did not know the answer.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is Doctor Thomas Rivers is dead, the necklace is headed to his daughter, and now these events will have to unfold, as if we didn't have a choice in the matter. " Gabriel said.

He undid his coat, as did the others, sending them to the ground, revealing their armor, silver with different gold inlay designs on each, and blindingly white wings, the span of which were the size of their bodies, their looks though we're all the same, they all looked worried.

ATONEMENT: A story in the Divine Chronicles.Where stories live. Discover now