Chapter 7

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The tunnels, known as the "Twisted Maze" by the locals, held a mysterious reputation in the town. Jessica recalled hearing stories from her childhood about homeless people seeking refuge in the tunnels, followed by tales of strange animals lurking in the depths. More unsettling were the rumors of peculiar rituals taking place within. As they approached the entrance, Jessica noticed peculiar symbols adorning the walls. Some appeared to be made of living glittering gold, while others were etched, painted, or placed in a way she couldn't decipher.

The four of them stood at the entrance, a sense of trepidation hanging in the air. Jason peered into the darkness, conjuring a small flame at his fingertips to illuminate the way.

"We'll go in. Stay out here, just in case," Jason ordered, his voice filled with a mix of concern and protectiveness.

He took the lead, venturing into the tunnels. After a short distance, he stopped and turned back to face Jessica.

"Here, take this. It's not as clumsy in here as a sword," Jason said, handing her a handgun.

Jessica examined the weapon he had given her. It was a nickel-plated 9mm handgun with black grips. Engraved on the side was a symbol she couldn't comprehend, adding to the air of mystery surrounding their mission.

As she held the gun in her hand, Jessica felt a mix of emotions. She knew that this was a necessary tool for their journey into the unknown, but it also served as a reminder of the dangers they were about to face. With a deep breath, she accepted the weapon, ready to embrace her role as a hunter and face whatever awaited them in the twisted depths of the tunnels.

"What does this mean?" Jessica asked, her voice filled with curiosity and a hint of apprehension.

Jason looked at the engraving on the handgun and then met her gaze. "Né timba mala, it means 'fear no evil'," he explained, his voice steady and reassuring.

The words resonated within Jessica, offering a sense of strength and courage in the face of the unknown. She took a moment to let the meaning sink in, drawing upon the mantra as a source of determination.

"Fear no evil," she repeated softly, her voice filled with newfound resolve.

She nodded slightly in understanding, her nerves causing her hands to tremble. Though she had some knowledge of Latin, the weight of the gun in her hand felt foreign and unfamiliar. The fear of the unknown made her grip it tighter, determined to push past her own apprehension.

As they continued deeper into the tunnels, they reached an opening that appeared to be man-made, constructed from concrete. Old symbols adorned the walls, their meaning lost to time. The only source of light came from Jason's flickering flame, casting eerie shadows that danced along the walls. Jessica's heart raced in her chest, but it wasn't just nerves that unsettled her. A putrid stench of rotten flesh and old blood filled the air, accompanied by a swarm of flies that seemed to suffocate the space. The darkness was so thick that she could barely make out her own hands in front of her face.

Suddenly, as if everything had been building up to this moment, everything fell into an eerie stillness. A chilling sound reverberated from the walls, growing louder as it approached from the tunnel ahead. It was a growl, too deep and menacing to belong to a dog. The scraping of claws against the ground sent shivers down Jessica's spine, and a knot formed in her stomach. Whatever was approaching them was not something she was prepared to face.

"It's just a stray dog," Jessica repeated to herself, desperately trying to convince herself that the looming creature before her was nothing more than a misidentified canine. But as if to prove her wrong, the creature revealed itself in all its terrifying glory.

ATONEMENT: A story in the Divine Chronicles.Where stories live. Discover now