Chapter 3

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Days had passed since Jason had been absent from school, consumed by the consequences of the council's decision to rescind the order against him. He sat in the living room, his sister's betrothed, Nathan, occupying a nearby chair. Nathan, with his Viking-like build, short hair, and a braid down past his shoulders, exuded a sense of strength and determination.

Nathan spoke up, breaking the silence. "So, we didn't find what the council was looking for, and you've been plagued by that recurring dream. We have so much to do, and it feels like time is running out. Since she's important to you, which I know she is, you must prioritize."

Jason raised an eyebrow, considering Nathan's words. He moved over to a table stacked with old books, his mind racing with thoughts and uncertainties.

"Raziel's blade wasn't found," Jason replied, his voice tinged with frustration. "And she... she's something I can't quite place. There's a connection, a bond, but it's shrouded in mystery."

"Is it because she has a boyfriend?" Nathan asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

Jason sighed, his gaze fixed on the stack of books before him. "It hasn't stopped me before. I just thought I'd be respectful, you know?"

Nathan chuckled, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Ah, the complexities of love. Every incarnation is different, my friend. Are you sure you aren't falling for this one?"

Jason leaned back, a mix of contemplation and uncertainty on his face. Nathan could see the wheels turning in his friend's mind, the internal struggle he was facing.

"I'm falling in love with her, without even really knowing her?" Jason asked, his voice laced with both wonder and confusion.

Nathan shrugged, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Anything is possible, Jason. Love has a way of defying logic and expectations. Sometimes, it's the connection we feel deep within our souls that transcends time and knowledge."

Jason's frustration grew as he continued to navigate the complexities of his situation. Playing politics and keeping secrets had drained him, and he longed for the freedom to be honest with Jessica. It would feel empowering to finally tell her the truth, even though it was often a challenge to get her to understand. Jason didn't enjoy the game of "figuring it out themselves" that he had been playing, but he knew he had to explain his behavior and the disappearing act he had pulled.

As he sat with Nathan, discussing their lack of progress in finding answers, Jason made a decision. "Well, it's been almost a week, and we have found nothing. I'm going back to school. Fake me up a doctor's note, but let's not make it too dramatic or life-threatening."

Nathan, skilled in the art of forgery, nodded in understanding. Forging documents had become a necessary talent in their family, especially in the modern age. The next day, Jason walked past the lockers that had rattled with his absence, holding the forged doctor's note and his completed homework.

Walking through the halls, Jason couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and anxiety. He hoped that Jessica wouldn't be too upset with him for his absence, and he knew he would have to explain himself eventually. However, the specifics of his situation were difficult to explain, and he wasn't sure how much he could reveal without putting her in danger.

"Glad to see you're on the mend," Jessica said, her voice filled with genuine happiness as she laid the ledger on the desk.

Jason smiled, grateful for her kind words. "Yeah, it was a rough patch, but seeing you here definitely makes me feel better."

A faint blush colored Jessica's cheeks as she returned his smile. The connection between them felt palpable, and Jason couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his chest.

ATONEMENT: A story in the Divine Chronicles.Where stories live. Discover now