Chapter 10

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The path through the woods was muddy and wet, but miraculously, the ground beneath their feet remained dry and stable. Jason and Joseph walked side by side, their footsteps in sync, as they made their way towards the field.

"So, you caught the connection too?" Joseph asked, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Jason nodded, his gaze focused ahead. "Blonde hair, blue eyes. Someone is trying to get our attention, and they want her to know they know," he replied, his voice laced with determination.

As they reached the designated spot in the field, they were met only by Michael and Gabriel, two powerful beings who had joined them in their mission.

"You know another body was found," Joseph informed them, his voice heavy with the weight of the situation.

Gabriel responded with a snort of derision. "Sounds like a problem for mortals," he remarked dismissively.

"Mortals think it's the work of a serial killer," Jason interjected, his tone serious.

Michael's expression hardened as he listened. "Sounds serious," he acknowledged.

Gabriel's sneer turned towards Jason. "Or is this about your consort, and you want it to be about Kaos," he taunted.

Jason's jaw clenched, his eyes narrowing with anger. "Michael, this is a serious matter. If people are dying, then this is your problem too, no matter how much you hate humans," Joseph asserted, his voice firm and unwavering.

The tension in the air was palpable as the group stood there, united in their purpose but divided in their perspectives. The fate of both mortals and the realms of Heaven and hell   hung in the balance, and they knew that they had to set aside their differences and work together to unravel the mysteries that threatened them all.

"I don't hate mortals; I just think they were given freedoms they shouldn't have had," Michael clarified, his voice carrying a hint of frustration.

Gabriel nodded in agreement. "Keep a lookout. Someone is bound to make mistakes, as mortals often do," he suggested, his tone cautious.

Jason interjected, adding a crucial piece of information. "It isn't mortal. There were watchers at most, well, all of the scenes," he revealed, his voice filled with a sense of urgency.

Michael and Gabriel exchanged a meaningful glance, their expressions growing more serious. "Are you suggesting that shadow craft is at work?" Michael inquired, his voice tinged with concern.

"I've seen them in the tunnels, hunting the revenant," Jason confirmed, his words carrying weight.

Gabriel's expression hardened as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. "Those are serious accusations. If true, then maybe Kaos' children are involved. We'll look into it," he declared, his voice resolute.

In a flash of light, Michael and Gabriel vanished, leaving Jason and Joseph standing there, contemplating the implications of their discoveries.

"I despise the fact that they know less than we do, and it took them this long to get involved," Jason expressed, his frustration evident in his voice.

Joseph nodded in agreement. "Or perhaps they know more than they are saying," he suggested, his voice filled with suspicion.

"Angels can't lie," Jason reiterated, his voice filled with conviction.

Joseph nodded in agreement. "No, but if something is going on, they can hide truths," he added, his tone thoughtful.

Throughout the rest of the day, Jason couldn't shake off the weight of their conversation. After their hunt, he gathered everyone together, sharing the information he had discovered without mentioning Joseph's valid points. He wanted to protect them, to shield them from unnecessary worry.

ATONEMENT: A story in the Divine Chronicles.Where stories live. Discover now