Chapter 9

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"I don't remember much about my past, or how I fell. What I do remember is him, Marax, the one you call Nathan," Amanda said, her voice filled with a mix of fondness and longing.

A sweet smile graced Amanda's lips as she reminisced about the memories. Jessica watched intently as Amanda ran her hand over the blanket, lost in her thoughts.

"Angels aren't meant to fall in love with one another, or anyone for that matter. But when I first saw him, it was instant. I only wanted him," Amanda continued, her voice filled with a bittersweet tone. "So when my brother did what he did with you, I took sympathy in it. He loves you. The next memory I have is the ocean, waking up on a beach, cold and alone."

Amanda's tone shifted, carrying a sense of sadness. Jessica observed as Amanda stood up and walked over to the window, the overcast sky outside seemed to mirror Amanda's emotions. She pulled the fur closer around her, seeking comfort and warmth.

As Amanda shared her story, the weight of her past and the pain she had endured became palpable in the room. Jessica listened intently, her heart aching for the losses Amanda had suffered and the path she had chosen.

"A man and his wife took me in, called me their daughter, Adrianna," Amanda began, her voice tinged with a mix of sadness and determination. "But I knew something wasn't right. I knew there was more to my existence than what they told me."

Amanda's words hung in the air, carrying the weight of her realization. She had sensed that her life held a greater purpose, a destiny that went beyond the ordinary.

"Then the ships came to our home, burned the village to the ground, killing my adopted family," Amanda continued, her voice filled with a mix of grief and anger. "In that moment, I wanted revenge. I gathered as many able bodies as I could, and I swore vengeance upon those who had taken everything from me. The advantage I had was the ability to see the enemies' plans before they even made them. It became my focus, my drive, to kill every one of them, even if it meant sacrificing my own life."

Jessica's eyes widened as she absorbed the weight of Amanda's words.

As tears welled up in Amanda's eyes, she remained fixated on the view outside the window, her gaze distant and pensive. Jessica could sense the weight of her emotions, the pain and sorrow that lingered within her.

"So, there I was, on this bloody path of destruction," Amanda continued, her voice soft and filled with a mix of vulnerability and reflection. "But what I didn't plan on was him."

Amanda's voice carried a hint of fondness and warmth as she spoke of the unexpected presence that had entered her life. She reached out and touched the wolf head necklace she wore, a symbol of the connection she shared with someone special.

Turning slightly, the light from the window illuminated Amanda's silhouette, casting a glow that seemed to make her appear more angelic. The wolf head pendant shone across the room, its radiance contrasting against the darkness.

Jessica watched in awe, captivated by the ethereal beauty that Amanda exuded in that moment. The necklace held a deeper significance, a symbol of the love and companionship that had unexpectedly entered Amanda's life, altering the course of her journey.

As Amanda shared her story, the weight of her past and the battles she had fought became more apparent. Jessica listened intently, her heart heavy with the weight of Amanda's experiences.

"I became known as 'Valkyrie'," Amanda continued, her voice filled with a mix of determination and reflection. "Little did I know, he found me in the midst of battle, covered in blood and consumed by hate. He was in my way, my path. I led my legion up to his camp, swearing that I would kill him myself. But then, I saw him standing on top of the hill, and everything suddenly made sense."

ATONEMENT: A story in the Divine Chronicles.Where stories live. Discover now