Chapter 1

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Three months had come and gone, bringing a semblance of normalcy back into Jessica Rivers' life. But despite the passing time, convincing her of this newfound stability was an uphill battle. Doubts plagued her, as she became increasingly certain that she was trapped within a recurring dream.

It all began innocuously, with sporadic dreams of awakening in a dimly lit room. Details remained shrouded, evading her grasp. However, as weeks turned into months, the dreams grew more vivid, plunging her into a sinister reality. This time, her hands were tightly bound behind her, the biting pressure of the restraints sinking deep into her wrists. She could feel the slickness of blood upon her, its nauseating metallic scent mingling with the familiar tang of sea salt, threatening to overwhelm her senses. It was clear to her now: this nightmarish occurrence was repeating itself, haunting her relentlessly.

The piercing sound of a crow's relentless pecking at her window shook Jessica from her unsettling slumber. Irritated, she promptly dismissed the unwelcome visitor. There was no point in returning to bed. Determined, she gathered her belongings, her mind already set on seeking solace under the purifying stream of a shower. Three moments in Jessica's life continued to haunt her, their weight adding to the burden of her recurring dream. The first was her recent 18th birthday, a milestone that marked her official entry into adulthood. Second, she was on the precipice of her senior year in high school, an impending transition that carried both excitement and uncertainty. And third, the death of her father only three months ago, an immense loss that she struggled to overcome.

After finishing her shower and changing, Jessica adorned herself with her glasses and the necklace she found on her father's desk. As she gazed into the mirror, she connected with her reflection, her thin frame mirroring her mother's, her blonde hair cascading in familiarity. Yet, her eyes held her father's legacy, both in color and in the imperfections of his vision. They were expressive, shifting from light blue when happy or excited, to dark blue when filled with fear or anger.

She tenderly touched the necklace, tracing her fingertips along the red jewel at its center, mesmerized by the seven-pointed star that encased it. The enigmatic words engraved around the pendant only added to its intrigue and mystique.

"Hi, Daddy," Jessica whispered, her voice a mixture of longing and grief, as if an ethereal connection had formed in that solitary moment. Though the words made no immediate sense, she sought solace, imagining her father's presence lingering within the necklace.

Jessica cautiously descended the stairs, silently hoping that her mother would not be present in the kitchen. As she entered the room, her heart sank when she witnessed her mother engaged in a passionate encounter with Russell, as if they were both her own age. Feeling disheartened and slightly irritated, Jessica swiftly grasped her keys and bag, maneuvering past her unconscious aunt sprawled on the couch. She snatched her cellphone from its charging dock, making a covert exit through the door toward her white Audi A6 with a soothing beige interior. Igniting the engine, she promptly switched off her phone, tossing it into her bag, which found a place in the rear of the car. While neglecting the incoming call from her mother, Jessica steered onto the road, leaving the driveway behind.

He jolted awake, drenched in a chilling sweat, just as he had been experiencing night after night. The recurring nightmare played out in his mind again - the piercing sound of her screams echoing through the darkness, always leaving him unable to reach her before abruptly waking up. But this time, something was different. As he opened his eyes, he discovered her haunting presence beyond the confines of his dream. She was there, bound by her hands, bathed in blood with a ghastly slit across her throat, her complexion drained of life. His gaze locked with her wide, terror-filled eyes, as she let out a deafening scream. Trying to gather his senses, he surveyed his room, pale blue light from the alarm clock casting an eerie glow. Stacks of vinyl records and a record player adorned his space, a closet door left ajar, and inside hung his collection of black shirts, except for one weathered denim jacket resting on a nearby chair in the adjacent room. In this reality, he assumed the identity of Jason Apolos, a name carefully selected for this particular world. However, in another realm, he bore the ancient name of Asmodeus, a fallen being with over four millennia of existence. Here, however, he was just a seventeen-year-old attending Summervale High School as an ordinary student. Jason prepared himself for the day ahead, taking a moment to admire his reflection. His jet-black hair gracefully slid between his fingers as he ran them through it. Standing tall and possessing striking features that would make supermodels envious, he exuded an aura of allure. His complexion boasted a warm, slightly olive tone, seamlessly complemented by a flawlessly clear complexion. After finishing his preparations, Jason descended the stairs and swiftly picked up his keys. As he passed his sister, Amanda, known as Sitri in their true realm, he couldn't help but notice her captivating appearance. With honey-colored locks cascading around her, and piercing blue eyes, she emanated a Nordic beauty. Standing alongside her was their younger brother, Jeremy, who could easily be mistaken for Jason's twin. Jeremy sported a patch of hair on his chin, and his shaggier hairstyle added to their striking resemblance. In their realm, he was known as Valefor.

ATONEMENT: A story in the Divine Chronicles.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें