Quest 1: New World and New Lives

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"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

[WORD!] = Henshin Device and Attack naming

[WORD!] = Finisher and Weapon sound

'Welcome' = Sign

"WORD!" = Henshin and Weapon Summoning

"Roll Call!" = Roll Call

4 boys and 1 child are seen on the floor in a completely white place, they are Aichi Sendou, Izuku Midoriya, Eri, Rokuro Enmado, and Bell Cranel

"Awake." a voice said causing Aichi, Izuku, Eri, Rokuro, and Bell then begin to wake up and slowly open their eyes, they sit up and look at each other and where they are

"Where are we?" Izuku asked

"I don't know." Aichi said

"Who are you guys?" Rokuro asked

"Who are you?" Bell asked

"I guess we should introduce ourselves." Aichi said

"Yeah, you're right." Izuku said

"I'm Aichi Sendou." Aichi said

"I'm Izuku Midoriya." Izuku said

"I'm Rokuro Enmado." Rokuro said

"My name is Bell Cranel." Bell said

"Oh, and this is Eri." Izuku said "Say hello." he said

"Hello." Eri said

"So where are we?" Aichi asked

"I don't know?" Izuku said

"Greeting!" a voice said

"Who's there?" Rokuro asked then Five figures appear

"Who are you guy?" Aichi said as Izuku hold Eri

"Don't worry, we mean you no harm." The figure with antlers said "Didn't you notice that your injuries are healed? Izuku Midoriya." he asked and Izuku notice it

"How?" Izuku asked

"I did it." The figure with antlers said

"Who are you, people?" Bell asked

"I am the God of Light." The figure with antlers said

"I am the God of Darkness." The figure with curved, segmented horns said

"I'm Raava Spirit of Light." the kite look spirit said

"I am Ichigo, Kamen Rider Ichigo." the figure with the ant helmet said

"And I am AkaRed." Red-figure said

"What do you want?" Rokuro asked

"We need your help, to save a world name Remnant, a world in great danger by a Witch name Salem." God of Light said

"Tell us everything," Bell said

"It all starts with a girl name Salem. After losing his wife during childbirth, Salem's Father locked Salem away in a giant tower for her entire life, where only he and Salem's nanny were the only ones allowed to see her. Over time, he began to visit Salem less and less to spend time with her. He brought her gifts and food, but nothing she could use against him or against herself to take her own life in fear of losing her." God of Light said

"On Salem's 16th birthday, Salem realized her father didn't truly love her as a daughter, but more so as an object. Crafting a plan to escape, Salem wrote hundreds of copies for this, and word spread out about the girl in the tower trapped by her tyrannical father. One day a great warrior by the name of Ozma arrived to liberate her from her prison. After their escape, the two fell deeply in love, planning great adventures and full life together until Ozma fell gravely ill and passed away." God of Darkness said

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