Quest 8: How To Be A Team Leader

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"Hello." = Normal talk

'Okay.' = Though

[WORD!] = Henshin Device and Attack naming

[WORD!] = Finisher and Weapon sound

'Welcome' = Sign

"WORD!" = Henshin and Weapon Summoning

"Roll Call!" = Roll Call

Weiss woke up from her sleep when Ruby appears next to her in her uniform then blow a whistle

"Goooood morning team RWBY!" Ruby said

"What in the world is wrong with you?" Weiss asked

"Now that you're awake we can officially begin our first order of business." Ruby said

"Excuse me?" Weiss said stand up

"Decorating!" Yang said holding some of her stuff

"What?" Weiss asked

"We still have to unpack." Blake said holding her suitcase then it open dropping her stuff to the floor "And Clean." she said, Weiss stare at them and then blow the whistle to her face

"Alright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, and their fearless leader Ruby have begun their first mission." Ruby said "BANZAI!" she said

"BANZAI!" Yang and Blake said which annoyed Weiss

They then start unpacking and decorating their room, Yang put up a poster of a group of boys, Wiess hangs a portrait of the Forever Fall forest, Blake places her book on the bookshelf, except the Ninja of Love book, and Ruby uses Crescent Rose to put up the curtain, but accidentally cut it when she turns around, after setting everything up and fixes the curtain, the girls have no place to put their beds

"This isn't going to work." Weiss said

"It is a bit cramped." Blake said

"Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff." Yang said

"Or we could ditch the beds. And replace them with bunk beds!" Ruby said

"Um, that sounds incredibly dangerous." Weiss said

"And super awesome!" Yang said

"It does seem efficient." Blake said

"Well, we should put it to a vote." Weiss said

"Ha, I think we just did." Ruby said, Blake and Yang vote yes, and Weiss vote no, then the girl starts making bunk beds "Objective, complete!" she said, they use ropes to tie Ruby's bed above Weiss's bed and have a blanket covering it, and they stack some of Blake's book and use them to boost Yang's bed above Blake's "Alright, our second order of business is!..." she said then sit on Weiss's bed "Classes." she said "Now, we have a few classes together today. At 9:00 we've gotta be-" she said but then Weiss cut her off

"What? Did you say 9 o'clock?!" Weiss asked

"Umm." Ruby said

"It's 8:55, you dunce!" Weiss said then run out of the room, and Team JNPR whose room is in front of Team RWBY's room poke their head out

"Uhh, t-t-to, to class!" Ruby said as she, Yang, and Blake run to class

"Class? Wh-whaaa! Uullg!" Jaune said then team JNPR fell on top of each (Jaune) We're gonna be late!" Jaune said as he and his team run to class


Team RWBY and Team JNPR arrive at the classroom to see Team BAIR waiting for class to start

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