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"Why you?"
He speak to himself.

Then again after few seconds he said
"Because i just came from states , so i don't know anyone here."

"So you know me?"

I ask him within a second.

"I don't exactly know you,but atleast after being here from i guess the most i talk to someone is you." He said.

I was about to burst cause if he just talk to me that really doesn't mean i can be his girlfriend even though not real.

"Listen Rihaan........ I mean sir , you just need someone who can claim to be your girlfriend."

I stop there for a second and said

"For you anyone can do that......let me make it clear.." i know what i was about to say that can even cost my job. " In todays world everyone needs money and you have that so make use of that.........ask anyone to be your fake girlfriend."

"Okay I'll pay that for me."
He said without even looking at me.

"Are you out of your mind ........ I'm not asking for money to do that. I am just giving you an idea from which you can get a women who can do that for you."
I said angrily

"I can pay you the more you want ........ you just have to be with me in front of society and my parents."

While speaking this he came near to me and fix my hairs

"You can't touch me." I said while getting up from chair.

"Why I'll pay you. As you said any women can do that for me if I'll pay her a great amout."
He said

"But I'm not one of them......I'm not dying to get money i provide my service in this company and get paid that's more then enough for me."

"But you just told me any one can do that..... if you are saying no so there is possibility that everyone will going to say NO."

He was standing in front of me and try to touch my face.

"You know what Rihaan.......I'm resigning."

I can't work at a place where there is no respect for me and my decision.

"That's up to you ...... but think about what you just said that anyone can do that for money. Not every women is dying to get money just like you."

He said while i was leaving his cabin.

After leaving his cabin i came to my desk and start packing my stuff and all.
I was writting a resignation mail , but in between one employee came and hand over me a file.

He just Rihaan sir has given me this to gave you.

I open the file there was just one paper on which he wrote :

"I really respect women's a lot so when you said anyone can be my fake girlfriend for money i was really stressed out  , that's the only reason i touch you and your hairs.

If i offend you in anyhow I'm sorry
That was all my anger when you say that you can even simply say no to that date idea i should have understand that but about money and women's.

I think you were wrong there.

And if you are serious about resignation because of the way i reacted I'm sorry for that.
But still if you want to leave it's totally up to you I'll not force you."

I was so shocked that what i just did to him and resignation and all.

Now all i have is this letter in my hands and resignation mail in my laptop.

I fucked up !!!

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