Chapter 1: A Dream Come True

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[Ava's POV]
As my mom and I parked, I looked out the window and saw so many Mirfandas checking in. I screamed in excitement. I've been watching Colleen for around a year now and I'm completely obsessed with her! I can't believe I get to go to a sleep-away camp all summer ran by her! I checked the time on my phone. It was 10:30 AM. My mom walked me to the line to check in. The moment I saw Colleen and Rachel, my eyes started to tear up. The line was so long, we waited 25 minutes until we were first in line.
"Hi!" Colleen exclaimed. "What's your name?"
"Hi Colleen! My name is Ava. I love you so much!" I replied.
She smiled. "I love you too!" she said.
I tried to hold back my tears but I just couldn't. I started bawling right there on the spot.
"Aw don't cry!" Colleen said.
She got up and gave me a hug. It was the happiest moment of my life so far. I also felt bad because there were people waiting in line behind me. Colleen sat back down and Rachel handed me a tissue.
"Okay, what's your last name, sweetheart?" Colleen asked me.
"Bridges," I said excitedly.
She flipped some pages and found my name.
"Okay, you're in Cabin A, which is right over there," she pointed to a cabin not too far away from us. "You can talk to the other people in your cabin, figure out where you're sleeping and unpack your things. We're going to have a lot of fun this summer!"
"I can't wait!" I responded. I said goodbye to my mom and walked over to Rachel, who was sitting next to Colleen behind the table.
"Hi, what's your name?" Rachel asked.
"Ava Bridges," I said with a smile.
She gave me one of those red stickers that says "Hello my name is...".
"Write your name on this sticker and wear it for today. We're giving these out to everyone so that we could hopefully learn everyone's name quickly," Rachel explained.
"Okay, thank you Rachel!" I said.
I walked over to my cabin and walked inside. There were six bunk beds, three against each wall. Towards the back of the cabin was space for our clothes and luggage. In the very back was a bathroom.
"Hi!" I exclaimed as I walked inside. There were seven girls and one boy in the cabin so far. A girl with wavy dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes approached me.
"Hi!" she said. "What's your name? My name is Ariana."
"Nice to meet you, Ariana! My name's Ava," I replied.
We talked for a while and became quite friendly. We decided to choose the same bunk bed. We chose a bunk in the front of the cabin on the left side. Ariana wanted to be on the bottom, so I took the top. We unpacked our things and talked a little more. I checked the time on my phone and it was 11:47 AM. We went outside to see how long it would be until everyone else was done checking in. There were only five people left on the check-in line. We stood outside looking at Colleen and Rachel, still in shock that we had the opportunity to experience this.
[End of Chapter]
Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was short, its kinda late right now and I'm tired. I know it was kinda boring, I promise you it will get more interesting as the story moves on. I hope you liked it and I'll try to update as much as possible. I might not update too often because I don't usually have a lot of time because a lot of things are happening in school. I hope you're having a wonderful day! :) -Maddy
(P.S. Yeah I couldn't think of a better last name than Bridges... lol.)

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