Author's Note III

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first off, thank you to the people who left suggestions in the last a/n. means a lot to me.
i've decided that i'm probably just going to have josh fade away in the story. like he just won't have as much of a big part as he used to have. i may eventually have someone ask where he is or something, but that'll most likely be it. no disrespect to josh, obviously. i just don't want to continue to write about their relationship. it's just not something i'd be comfortable with writing about at this point.

also, i know throughout writing this story the updates were very spread out due to me not having the time to write. i will try harder to update more often this time around. i like this story, and i think there's more that can be told with it. now my writing style/voice has definitely changed since i last wrote a chapter, and there are things in the story that i would not have written in if i were to write it now, but i'll roll with it. i hope y'all will like what's coming. i'm excited. thank you for reading ♡

p.s. i promise my writing mechanics will improve when i write the actual chapters. i write these notes quickly, so that's why the capitalization, punctuation, and maybe the grammar aren't so great in them.

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