Chapter 10: Tiny Fears

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(Ava's POV)
I got ready as fast as I could. I was so excited I could've exploded. I wore the nicest outift I brought and put my hair in a high ponytail. I walked outside and was amazed by the decorations Colleen and Rachel set up. They actually had kale chips too. I was the first one outside. Colleen came over to me.
"Are you excited?!" She asked excitedly.
"Yes, of course!" I answered.
She hugged me for a while. She took my hand and walked me over to the snack table.
"Have you ever tried kale chips?" she asked.
"No, I've only seen them in the vlogs," I said.
She picked on up and gave it to me and I ate it. It was way better than I thought.
I sat on the bench with Colleen as Rachel got the other kids to come outside. After everyone came outside, we were allowed to do anything we wanted to do. I wanted to go to the pool. I asked Colleen to come with me to make sure I didn't get hurt. She, of course, said yes. We walked over and I stared at the diving board. I was still too worried I would get hurt. Colleen hugged me from the side.
"You don't have to flip, if you want to, you could just jump," Colleen suggested.
"Yeah, I guess I could," I said.
Colleen sat on the bench and I went to the diving board. Even though I wasn't flipping, I was still terrified.
"Colleen, I'm scared," I said.
She walked over and took my hand. "If you still want to jump, I'll jump with you," she said.
"But you don't have a bathing suit on," I questioned.
"I'll go get one," Colleen said and started jogging back. I followed close behind her.
We went to her cabin and she got one out of her suitcase.
"Oh I should leave," I laughed.
"It's fine, just turn around," Colleen replied.
[Two minutes later]
"Ok, I'm done," Colleen said.
Colleen was dressed and she quickly put sunscreen on herself.
"Oh shoot, I forgot to put on sunscreen," I said.
"It's okay," Colleen said as she started to put hers on me.
When she finished, we walked back to the pool. I held her hand and stepped on the diving board.
"Don't worry," Colleen said.
"Okay," I replied.
"3..." Colleen began. "2...1..."
I hesitated. Then at the moment I realized she was jumping, I realized I had to jump unless I would hurt her, and I definitely didn't want to do that. I jumped.

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