Chapter 22: Research

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Ava's POV

Seeing Colleen genuinely care about how I was feeling on the inside really surprised me. No one had ever been there for me like this. If anyone ever asked about my family life, we'd never get so deep into it. But this time, someone really cared. And I trusted her.

"Well, um, it's my family. My parents neglect my siblings and I, so we're basically raising ourselves. A-And All th-they care about is comfort for themselves. Like, we... we might have money, but they seem to think that money buys happiness... so, like, they buy themselves things all the time, and then they buy my siblings and I things because they think it'll keep us happy and we won't bother them. I don't usually tell people because I have in the past, and they usually get mad at me for being 'ungrateful' because I 'get whatever I want'. But I don't. What I want is love from my family. Not just tangible items. And it pisses me off that people can't see that," I stated.

I worried that after telling this, she'd be mad at me...that maybe she thought I was making a big deal out of nothing. Her face said otherwise.

Colleen's POV

Hearing Ava say these things sort of broke me. This is because not only was she in emotional pain from her family, but she was keeping it all inside her. I wanted to take care of her so bad.

I hugged her for as long as possible. This made her cry a little harder, but at least she was getting it out. I never wanted to let go of her. All of these scary thoughts were coming to my head, like... what if they hurt her one day? Or what if they give her up? Or what if they stop giving her necessities? What if they never let me see her again?

I was not going to let any of that happen. I knew I had to do something. Even though I felt like I didn't have the power to do anything about it. I had to try.

After a few hours , Ava went back to her cabin to take a shower. As soon as she left, I started to do my research. I went to so many websites. I wanted to be sure of what I was doing. I discussed it with Rachel, and at first she said I was crazy, but after I explained everything, she was on board with my idea.

A/N: hiiii again. what do you think colleen is trying to do? leave a comment & also share this story if you want :)

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