Chapter 11: Bad News?

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(Ava's POV)
We landed in the water with a big splash. Colleen pulled me up to the surface. We swam to the side of the pool.
"Wasn't that fun?" Colleen asked.
"Yeah! Can we do it again?" I said.
"Of course!" Colleen said excitedly.
We got out and she gave me a hug.
"You did it!" she said.
"Yeah!" I smiled.
We walked back over to the diving board and jumped about ten more times. Then, I asked Colleen if we can swim in the normal pool. We went in the normal pool and we played games with a few other kids. After that, we both got tired and dried off and changed in our cabins. After I finished changing and fixing my hair, someone knocked on the door. I opened it. It was Colleen.
"Are you ready for lunch?" Colleen asked.
"Yeah, is lunch ready?" I asked.
"Yeah, its on the table," Colleen answered.
We walked to the middle and there were different types of sandwiches on a table. I took a peanut butter and jelly one and Colleen took one with turkey. We sat at the table and talked with a few other people and ate lunch. Then, Rachel put on music and a lot of people danced for a while. After that, I took a shower. Colleen stood in the cabin but not in the bathroom just in case I got hurt, she would be there. When I finished showering, I dried off and put my clothes on. I walked out and Colleen was still there.
"You were there the whole time?" I asked.
"Yeah, I want to make sure you're okay," she said.
I hugged her a lot. Then we walked out to the middle to eat dinner. There were hamburgers and hot dogs. I had a cheeseburger and sat with Colleen and Ariana. After dinner, Colleen did my hair in the cabin. She made a side braid. After that, she put on music outside and everyone was dancing. After a while, I saw Colleen rush over to her phone on the table. Josh was calling.
"I'll be right back," she said to me. I walked back and danced with Ariana.
I kept an eye on Colleen. I saw her smile vanish and a tear roll down her face.
A/N: Hi, sorry I haven't been updating a lot (Wow I say that too much) but I was recovering because JOSH AND COLLEEN GOT MARRIED!!!! Tell me what you thought of this chapter 😏

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