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By the time morning came, the boy still wasn't out of your head. You quickly put on your uniform and shoes before leaving your house. "Y/n! Wait for me!" Chika yells. She catches up to you. "I feel like you've been avoiding us lately. Got a reason?" You fell quiet. "It's nothing. There's a lot of new things in school and I need to study them."

"Yeah, whatever you say." She rolls her eyes as she turned to another street to head off to school. You sigh. You scroll through your phone as you walk. There were other students nearby chatting away who didn't even notice you.

Once you made it to school you sat in your chair. Hiruka seemed to be absent which you were somewhat thankful for until you realized that she was the only one who talked to you. This day would suck and you knew it.

The whole day went by painfully slow. "Do you want to see the Volleyball team practice?" You over hear a girl ask her friend. "Of course! They're all so hot~" Her friend replies, dazed. You heard some people talk about the boys volleyball team but you didn't know the hype.

It was the afternoon and school would end soon anyways so why not check it out? You went to the gym where they would practice and you waited by the railing. You texted Yua to tell her you'd be late to check out this practice.

Some boys walk into the lower part of the gym chatting as they made their way to the changing room. Once they came out in their practice uniform, girls beside you began cheering and squealing. You were having thoughts of leaving until you notice the boy from the social party. I never got his name... you remembered. You'd have to stick around to ask for his name.

After they finally started, you were amazed at how well they played. As if it was that easy. You quickly backed away and sat on the bleachers. Your view wasn't better than before. You took the blank novel out of your bag and open it. HE'S RIGHT THERE DUMBASS! You were confused. You didn't know where these messages came from but you came to believe that 'fate' wanted you to meet him.

You closed the book and went back to the railing. You look down at the court and see the boy setting a lot. I guess he's the setter. The other girls continued to cheer and yelp. The teams number 4 was quite perky but when he missed a few times he went.. Emo.

The boy assured him that he'd be fine or something like that. 

Practice was over and the girls went down and complemented how well the boys did. a ton of the girls complemented the boy from the social party. "You did so well with Bokuto san!" they'd tell him. "Well, it is what I do the most." He replied.

Once the crowd around him died down you were having second thoughts on talking to him. "Oh? It's you." Great. He noticed me.. He waves you over. "Hi." You didn't really know what to say. "We never did introduced ourselves did we? Name's Aakashi Keji." He told you. "Y/n L/n."

He smiled. "That's quiet a pretty name." You almost blushed. You hid the novel behind your back. "Do you want to review some topics with me on Sunday? It's at the new café that opened up." You ask him. "Sure. I've been kind of busy to study so that would be nice."

You clearly didn't expect for him to accept. "See you!" You tell him before running out of the door. You were glad you talked to him. Anti-socialness had gotten to you.

By the time you made it home, you only just then realized that you dropped your blank novel. "How could I be so stupid!" You pout.

The two of you seemed to complement each other. You were a perfect set.

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