|𝙰𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝙸𝚝𝚎𝚖|

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It's been a while since your study café session with Aakashi but you still have no idea on what the plot of the novel will be. Every night, for the whole week you always had the novel on your mind. Your schedule didn't match up with Aakashi's so the two of you couldn't talk to often in person.

You sat in class, fiddling with your pencil. Your classmates messing around while the teacher was talking. You opened your notebook to take a few notes. The novel was always in the back of your mind. You had the urge to take the novel out but you resist.

You thought of checking out the gym in the afternoon to see if anyone was in there. "L/n, can you answer this question?" You look up at the board. You take a few seconds before answering it. "That's correct."

Your teacher called on another person who had no idea what the answer was because they were chatting too loud with their friends. You didn't know what your teacher was planning. You knew that something was up but you couldn't put your finger on it. Your teacher would usually nag the class to talk during break time.

You figured to have good behavior until you figured out what was going on. Once the bell rung, everyone rushed to go to the lunchroom. You sometimes skipped lunch and today was one of those days. 

Practically everyone headed for the roof and only a few head down the staircase to go outside. You had no idea where to go. You were bored and tired. You quickly remembered that you had a spare notebook that you'd never use.

You quickly found somewhere where no one would bother you. You sat on a bench in the courtyard. The courtyard was practically non existent to anyone as they focused on other things. The courtyard was extremely beautiful and it felt very calming every time you came here. You got majority of your motivation and inspiration here.

You began writing ideas but you end up doodling for most of the time. You frown. How come I had to get something so weird and complex- "Hm? Oh hello there L/n." You look up to find Aakashi walking your way. "Hi." He looks at your notebook. "Still thinking of what we should make it about?" You nod.

"It's kind of cliché but.." You were waiting for him to continue. "How about we make it about us?" You blush. "It's kind of sudden- I did warn you." He awkwardly rubs his neck. "Oh no! It's a nice idea!" You tell him. Aakashi was being so considerate of you. You could feel yourself falling in love- almost head over heels for him.

You notice something on your pinky. "Eh?" You were extremely confused. "What's wrong?" You rubbed your eyes jus tin case you were hallucinating. "There's a thin red sting on my pinky-" 

"That shouldn't be right- You're only supposed to get one item." You began to panic. You were already in love with Aakashi and you believed that no one would change your mind. You looked at Aakashi's hands to see if he also had the strings. You frowned. "No way.. this shouldn't be happening."

You could see the string extend in many directions. You sigh. "The bell's going to ring soon... I guess we can talk and deal with this later." You pack your things. "I can trust that you're not lying." Aakashi tells you. "Are you available sometime this afternoon?" You nod. "practically from after school ends till 7."

"Perfect." Aakashi makes his way back to his class. You were quite upset that a thin string appeared on your pinky.

The rest of your day felt bland. You walked off campus and sighed. You felt your phone vibrate in your bag. You take it out and open a message. I hope you don't mind, I'd like to get to know you more. I hope that I can help lift off any burdens on your shoulder. If you're free tomorrow after school then meet me at {location}.

You smile. You quickly reply. Sure! I'm free and that would be nice! :D 

You had something to look forward to. "The boys are practicing in the gym today! Wanna check it out?" Someone whispers to their friend. Watching Aakashi practice might hook you onto Volleyball but that would prove that you started because of him.

You decided that you would prepare for the worst and only hoped for the best. The string must have been a mistake. Right? Well, who knows. Maybe the string will one day disappear for good once you meet your other 'soulmate'.

It was surely a mistake. Was what was on your mind. you clutched your chest as you walked. You couldn't help but wonder if you were truly in love or it was because you force yourself to like whatever soulmate you got... You could only convince that you're feeling were real. Which they {hopefully} were.

𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚕 |𝙰𝚊𝚔𝚊𝚜𝚑𝚒 𝙺.|Where stories live. Discover now