Part 3

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"WHAT THE HELL!" cried all the children. Everyone in the room, bar Felicia and MJ, were completely shocked at the sudden turn of events.

"Time travel's real?" Billy asked curiously, frowning when his parents remained catatonic.

"Temporal displacement on a macro level?" Franklin muttered to himself. "That's unheard of."

"Who cares about the science of it?!" Sue cried in a normally out of character moment. "His daughter just came from the future and said hi!"

"True, true," Reed pacified, but couldn't help himself. "It is a fascinating thought about how she got here." Ben Grimm elbowed, gesturing for him to shut up or lose his tongue based on the look Sue was giving him.

"Here I was thinking the girl was hot, when she turns out to be my best friend's daughter," Johnny whispered, stunned.

The Parkers were sitting completely still with their mouths open. Not one of them could imagine this scenario.

"I'm a g-grandmother?" not breaking out of her stupor, Mary voiced softly to her husband. Richard just nodded slowly.

"D-daughter?" May stuttered, clutching onto Ben for support. "M-May? She's named after me?"

"Who's the mom?" came Liz's question. This prompted a round of chatter from the Midtown group. 

Jean, Emma, Kitty, and several other girls searched for similar features between the girl and them. None of them noticed anything, though, at least nothing obvious.

"Please," Jonah scoffed, drawing the attention of the room. "She's obviously lying. Time travel? Preposterous."

"Mr Jameson might have a point," Stan agreed. He was a skeptic by nature. "How do we know the girl isn't lying?"

"Maybe the movie would clear it up?" Gwen offered, turning her attention back to the screen.

Mayday is sitting on a sofa looking around, and Peter walks out of his lab with a grim expression.

Peter: Well, that confirms it. DNA test came back positive, and I've confirmed the presence of tachyon particles on you. You really are my daughter.

"Oh my god," May gasped. She felt slightly faint, and grasped onto the nearest person, which turned out to be Felicia, who steadied her carefully.

"Thank you dear," she added faintly.

"I notice you aren't too surprised, Watson," Susan remarked. MJ, the subject of scrutiny, shrunk down. Even her aunt, Anna, looked at her accusingly.

"Okay fine," she burst out. "I knew."

The room exploded in disbelief. 

"Why the hell would he tell you, and not us?" Johnny shouted, with Bobby and Harry agreeing with the statement.

"Why wouldn't either of you tell me?" May asked softly.

"Oh, May," MJ rushed to console. "Both Peter and I just want to keep you safe and healthy. We wanted to judge whether there was a threat or not, before introducing her to you as your granddaughter. Plus, with your heart and all..."

"Wait, what's wrong with her heart," Ben frowned.

After a moment of silence, Anna took Ben to the side to explain. A loud "WHAT!" echoed from the corner, and Ben rushed back to his wife.

"May, are you alright?" he gasped, checking his wife over frantically. May laid a gentle hand on her husband's shoulder.

"I'm fine, dear. It was just a small thing. I got better, and Peter was there every step of the way."

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