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# Handsome Boy

Getting born as the youngest daughter of the Aurora Kingdom surely was a big thing where, the rich are considered as gods and the poors as slaves.

You were the most mischievous princess of the kingdom. Getting in trouble was your everyday routine and for which in the whole city you were known as the “trouble-maker”.

From getting into fights to flirting with every handsome man. You were known as the “playgirl” too. But no one dared to say you anything as you were the princess and no one wants to get die in the hands of the king for talking bad about his daughter.

Your mother always used to scold you to act sophisticatedly as you will be the Queen after her but to be honest the more input is of your father in spoiling you. He is a King for the people but for you he is a bestfriend. He appreciates you everytime to go talk to a handsome man, who caught your eyes.

Your father told you about a party that he is holding for his bestfriend Mr. Jung, who was in army and saved his father's life.


Your family greeted the guests as known as the Jung family. And there was a boy seemed same as your age. Saying he was handsome is just a so simple because he was much more than that. He had a mole under his eye, was a bit taller than you, but you'll call it ideal height. Coincidentally you both were wearing the same color “black”.

As time passed you dragged your father in a corner

“You didn't told me Mr. Jung had a son? And on top of it a Handsome boy?”

“Why? Is he your type?”

“Absolutely yes! Can you.. do something so I can talk with him”.

“You're nervous”

“Dad! I don't know why though but for the first time in my life I really don't know how to start a conversation with a boy”.

Your father went back and after a minute called you. You gladly went there.

“Wooyoung dear, this is my daughter y/n. Hope you both get along well! You both can go in the garden”.

And with that you both went in the garden.

“Umm. Heyy”.

Wooyoung smiled and returned the greeting.

“You're name ‘y/n’ is really pretty”

“Tt-thankyou.. yours too”.

You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering.

Wooyoung smirked.

“Are you really the princess y/n, that I heard of? I mean the trouble-maker also… playgirl? And here you're so nervous and stuttering?”

“Ahh…umm.. I…”

“You like me, don't worry I like you too”.

The sudden words of Wooyoung made you shock and look at him.

“What did you said?”

He hold your hand, looked deeply in your eyes and said,

“I have known you from years and kinda had a crush on you, but today after meeting you face to face I have come to a conclusion that it's not just a small crush but I really love you princess y/n, will you—”

His were words got intruptted, as you attacked him with your soft lips, under the beautiful night sky in which stars were shining so brightly, Wooyoung replied in an instant, as his hands found your waist, and yours get locked in his hair.

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