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#Spooky Dream

Everyone have their own interests like some are interested in astronomy some are interested in litreature. While for me it has been always Vampires, witches, magical potions. These kinda things always used to attract me. From my childhood days I use to search about these kinda things and also read novels according to these kinda genre.
For me it was a complete another world in which I always get losts and I wonder if that world really exists what would I be in there.
Hello, dear diary
  Finally after my long talk of vampires Iam introducing myself. Iam y/n, your eighteen year old girl. Who is finally going to her dream country Sydney, Australia to study in my dream University of Sydney.
Honestly never ever in my life I imagined that this day will ever come but here it is and from the day I have got the email of getting accepted to the university Iam so excited and all jumpy around, I mean who wouldn't be.

[Days skip to the day of going to airport]

All of my family members, my parents, my older and younger brother came to say their goodbyes to me.
My Mom hugged me and said,
"Make sure to eat and sleep well dear, I won't be there to nag at you, take care of yourself".

"I can't believe my little daughter is all grown up and now going to study abroad, it feels like yesterday when you were given in to my arms by the nurse."

"Dad stop being emotional, Iam just going for studies and we will be talking to each other on phone calls and video calls, don't worry! Your little daughter will forever make you proud and the happiest Dad ever."

Your Mom and Dad were the best parents anyone could ever had Even though they were busy as hell but they always give you and your siblings the proper amount of attention, love and care. They both started this small clinic called as "Angel Clinic" as both majored as doctors. Your mother was a cardiologist and your father was a psychologist. Soon this Angel Clinic developed into a big hospital and from then your father decided to open a Angel medical school as well and now this small Angel Clinic has become the most valuable and biggest hospital in your city.
Hence you're the daughter of the one of the richest family in Seoul.

"Flight 1117 attendants, please prepare for gate departure."

You hugged your parents and brothers one last time before proceeding towards the departure gate.

[Airport of Sydeny]

As you took your suitcases and headed towards to book a taxi/cab to go to your apartment which was already arranged by your parents. They bought a apartment for you so that you don't have to live in dorms with other people or have any sort of problems.
Watching the outside through the window of the cab, it felt so good
"You're finally in here y/n" .
You couldn't stop smiling.
As you reached the apartment, you were in awe. It was extraordinary beautiful. You are used to living in a big house/manison but something about the style and uniqueness of this house was beyond.

You didn't need to do any chores as the maids/ guards was already present there and helped you with your things.

My room had a big oval window through which the warm golden rays of sunlight were falling on my bedside. My room colors were dark with the mixture of black and grey color. Which is my ultimate favourite colors. In the middle there was a king size comfortable bed in which my body will get engulfed completely. Along side with a beautiful side table and dressing table.

[Next day]

Today was the first day of the University, you had mixed feelings, happy yet nervous at the sams time.
Your major was Business Management. It was your first class which was started not long ago. You entered the class but the teacher saw you and stopped you in the mid-way during her lecture, which caught everyone's attention and now you in the limelight.
"Miss? Who are you? I've never seen you before?"

ATEEZ IMAGINES Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora