chapter eight

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"so much for being nice"

"Are you sure that's what you saw

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"Are you sure that's what you saw."

Tama rolled her eyes, tired of defending herself. She yelled out, "yes, I'm sure" for the fifth time, surrounded by familiar faces. Leah stood close to her friend, defending her like her life depended on it.

Tallulah stood off to the side, near Seth who clung to her like he was lost, watching the situation intently. Sam, had made his grand appearance at her job earlier, speaking to her for the first time in days before bringing her to the Clearwater's. Tallulah had seen a similar sight, though the wolf that she encountered wasn't a dusty brown like Tama had described. No, her wolf was as black as night, it's teeth so large it made butcher knives appear to be merely butter knives. "I believe you."

Tama glanced over at her friend, sending her a thankful smile. Harry sighed, sharing a look with Sam that only she seemed to catch, her smile faltering. Sam, who had grown several inches since his disappearance and adopted a new, shorter haircut that Leah almost cried over, walked over to the two girls. He bent down, placing a kiss on Leah's forehead, the man seemingly hesitant as he did so, promising his swift return. Tama met his eyes, sensing some sort of alarm that didn't help quell the feeling in her stomach, only sending him a small nod that he returned before he was out of the door.

There was a part of her that wondered if Sam was the same, if he too had stumbled upon some magical powers while lost in the woods, too scared to face anyone with his newfound abilities. It was odd but she noticed the looks, the way he looked at her - the way all the elders looked at her. Ever since she had opened her eyes after being struck by lightning it was as if they were waiting for something to happen. It was like they knew before she did that she would have some mystical control over the weather. The girl racked her head countless times, trying to remember what bedtime story her mother had told her that was reminiscent of thunder and lightning, only to come up with math formulas and her current reading assignment instead. Her brain was fogged from school, afraid to ask for help even though she knew that they had known something about her.

There was something in the way that they looked at her that caused her to believe that even if she did confide in them, she wouldn't be safe. But, Sam was closer to her age and while they weren't best friends, she did consider him a friend outside of his relationship to Leah, though she knew he merely tolerated her as did everyone else around her. She turned towards the door where Sam had just left, not letting herself think twice before she ran out after him, calling his name.

He turned, almost hesitantly, towering over the girl with a look that seemed forced. She glanced up at him, a determined look on her face, not letting his mood get to her. "I have to go,'s important."

They both turned at the sound of a wolf's howl, Tama catching the worried look on Sam's face, her eyes narrowing. "You know something..."

"Tama," Sam urged her on, annoyed with her interruption and scared for her safety. Leah would never forgive him if he harmed Tama, the boy remembering when she had gotten hurt while they were play fighting and Leah stopped talking to him for a week. He almost allowed himself to smile at the memory. Almost.

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