chapter ten

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It had been a week since Tama's first date with Mason and since then, they had went on two more, the boy offering to drive her to and from school despite her having her own vehicle. He was nice enough, the ordinary boy a distraction to her adding list of problems that seemed to be never ending. He had a normal life, despite a dead mother and an often absent father, and that was something Tama needed right now in the midst of her own personal chaos. He was the calm in her storm, forcing her back down to reality whenever she seemed to drift too far away from the real world. They both exited the boy's dark blue Camry, though Tama would be the only one leaving since Mason didn't attend school on the reservation. A few stares were thrown their way, whispering about the sudden appearance of a pale face at their school. Tama shrugged them off, though she could tell the boy opposite of her quite nervous under the gaze of so many offended people. She offered him a comforting smile and a shrug, turning to look at a few that stared a bit longer than others before she looked back at him, "you get used to it."

He nodded, seemingly unconvinced, before he offered her a smile. "Seems I don't have a choice. I'll come by after my last period of the day, take you to practice and then...maybe the beach?"

Tama smiled up at him, pretending to think about it as she felt familiar eyes on her, "maybe..." she trailed off, allowing him to come closer, the two never breaking eye contact. He placed his hand in the crook of her neck, reaching down ever so slightly to place a kiss on her forehead before offering her another smile and a childish wave. The boy waited until her friends scooped her up, the girls a giggling mess as they pressed her for information as he drove off.

Kim stared fondly at his retreating car, picturing Jared taking her to and from school in a similar manner. He still hadn't shown up to school, or even his favorite spots in town; she had checked, multiple times. Her sigh turned into a scoff when Tallulah interrupted with Seth and Jacob by her side, "so, you two fuck yet?"

Jacob gagged childishly while Seth's cheeks burned at her casual mention of sex around him. Kim covered the younger boy's ears and Seth allowed it, the girl had become somewhat close to them in Jared's absence, the feeling that they were connected to his disappearance in some way pulling her closer to them. She was right. Leah pretended to scold her, though she smiled mischievously as she pressed her best friend, receiving a shove from a blushing Tama, "I haven't even kissed him yet, get your minds out of the gutter."

"Never," a new, prepubescent voice chimed in. Quil Ateara appeared with Embry Call on his side, the former looking at Leah in a way that made Tallulah send a warning jab to his ribs as she muttered, "get in line, kid." Quil glared at her retreating figure before he approached the group again, Embry silent as he stole an occasional glance over at Tama.

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