chapter twelve

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"kiss me like you mean it"

"kiss me like you mean it"

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Tallulah Uley was a complicated girl. She had an alcoholic father who was in and out of her life, and a mother that worked so hard to provide for her kids, she rarely saw them. That left her with raging father issues – and not the kind that made her want to date older men or be a people pleaser, but the kind that made her shut off all her emotions and be distrustful of the world around her and everyone in it. She had let only a small few into her 'world' and that included Sam(which was obvious), Leah, the only girl she ever had a crush on that wasn't fictional, Seth, and Tama. Even with them though, there were boundaries, not even letting them get so close to her that they could see past the tough exterior she tried so hard to show off to the world.

That brick wall of rage and humor was brought down in the middle of the night in her room as Tama held her while she cried, the girl unable to get the picture of herself as an eight foot monster out of her mind. She only slept when her body was out of water to produce tears and she became dehydrated and slightly delirious, passing out on the floor as she was unable to make it to her bed.

Tama and her were different yet alike in that sense. She never had the opportunity to meet her father, or watch him walk in and out of her life, nor was she ever told anything about the mysterious man that had a part in creating her. Tallulah told her it was better that way, the man was merciful for never giving her hope and showing her who he was before her birth. She shook the girl awake once she figured she had gotten a decent amount of sleep, giving her a soft smile once her eyes fluttered open. The girls were friendly but they really only called themselves friends due to their closeness and out of respect for Leah. They enjoyed each other's company of course, Tallulah made Tama laugh and Tama made the best sweets Tallulah had ever tasted in her life but, they wouldn't have looked the others way had Leah and Tama not been best friends as the two were a package deal since diapers. Still, Tama was polite as they ate breakfast together with Sam and Jared, the boys purposefully being quiet as not to alarm her any further since her temper could snap at a moments notice.

They all waited for her to bring up the elephant in the room, as they were unsure of how she would react. She set down her cup of coffee, staring up at Sam. "So, the wolf I saw in the woods that night...that was you," she said, her tone wavering on whether her words were a statement or a question. Sam nodded after a while, confirming that Jared was as well, the boy sending her a meek smile. It took her a second, the girl finally nodding and standing up, making her way over to her older brother before she pulled her arm back, balled her left hand into a tight fist, and shot it forward at his shoulder. The boy groaned in pain, doubling over and dropping his fork full of food in the process as he cursed, Tama hiding her smile behind her hand. "Why wouldn't you tell me?! You had me so worried, you had all of us worried! And mom! Oh my god, mom. Does she know?"

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