| 10 | Look at Me.

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TW: threats of SA/violence


The word sends ripples of desire to your very bones. Mando's gaze drifts to your heaving chest, and he tilts his head - "You like that, don't you?" You look up at him and nod, trying to swallow but your mouth has went completely dry.

"Good." He says as he abruptly pulls away and strides off, pod following, and you are left trying to remember how to move. He stops and looks back to you, "coming?" You sneer at his choice of words and drag yourself away from the wall and back to his side.

No one should be able to incapacitate you with a single word - but here we are.


You can't help but look at the ground to hide how red your cheeks blush at the thought. You suppose, if there was anyone in the galaxy it would be a thrill to belong to it would be someone like Din. Your mind rolls back to walking into that cantina and the men who drug their eyes down your body like it was a meal - and then as their eyes filled with fear as you strode out with Mando's arm around you. You imagine them trying to avert their gaze as Mando bends you over a table right in the middle of it all - all those people too afraid of what would happen if they were caught looking. Him growling that you're his. You shake your head to try and clear the images from your mind.

Followed by the snoozing baby in the pod, the two of you stroll through the market picking up the odd supplies slowly making your way back to the ship as the sun sets. Quite distracted by your day dreaming you are thumbing through an old used book when a large hand grabs your shoulder causing you to jump.

"Y/N? Did you hear me?" Mando asks, sounding slightly annoyed. Oops. "I have to see someone, alone. I will meet you back at the ship."

"Oh, ok." You say, looking over at the ship unsure of why you are uneasy about it - after all you've spent weeks alone on the ship.

"Take the kid, I won't be long. She's usually very fast."

She? A small tingle of something you don't like biting at the word. Jealousy? That seems childish.

You try not to make a face as he hands you the control vambrace from his arm. "Lock the doors." He stares at you until you nod, and then strides off.

You sigh and turn to the ship, scrunching your face up into a pout. Thought we weren't gonna be here long? It's not a good look, but you are a bit sour that any hyper drive and sleeping baby fun is now postponed. Especially after all the images that have been passing through your mind. You let out a big sigh as you walk in the side hatch and shut it gently behind you. Mind wandering you go about putting the baby in his hammock and storing away the few supplies you had picked up - which is a good distraction for how long Mando's "quick" visit is taking. Some detour considering you were only supposed to be on this planet for the exchange, whoever she is, she must be important.

When you hear the hatch open you curse yourself for not having locked it as you were told - maybe at least he will be sexy in his admonishment about it. You grin at the thought but it disappears immediately as an unfamiliar voice rings through the hull.

"Oh, she is a pretty one." The voice calls out, and your blood turns to ice.

"Told ya - pretty enough even to get the beskar off a mando." A second voice rings out.


You slowly turn around to see 2 men already inside, a 3rd standing in the hatch, blocking the way out. Your eyes dart from face to face - your heart drops - yellow hair and a huge ugly scar across his face, this man was in the cantina. All your fun little fantasies fade away as you remember the way they all stared and whispered. That uneasy feeling in your gut returning - except now you don't have a mountain of steel next to you to calm you and put the fear of Maker in them.

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