1: Old Friend

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Sometime after the destruction of Tipoca City...

The Marauder continues its journey through hyperspace, heading toward Coruscant to aid a Jedi child in need. The atmosphere onboard is heavy, the events on Kamino weighing on the minds of the Bad Batch. As Hunter establishes the connection with Dean a fellow medic, the voice on the other end explains the urgency of their mission.

"Look... It's not safe for him here," Dean explains. "It's only a matter of time before some neighbor reports his presence and he's dragged off to Nur or something. Planetary security is tighter here on Coruscant than anywhere else, you're aware of that, yes?"

"Well yes, but, Noble actually is in danger if we—"

In the back of the ship, Octavia and Amber sit close to each other, their shared experiences forging a strong bond. Amber playfully nudges her sister, "This sounds like an interesting mission, doesn't it?"

Octavia nods, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Absolutely. We get to rescue a Jedi from Coruscant, right in the heart of the Empire."

"Interesting, huh?" Noble uses the Force to finish stacking some cans of food in the pantry.

"Yes!" Octavia cheers.

Noble with slight musing looks over at Flash walking into the cockpit turns back to the girls. "Just don't be upset if Hunter states that you have to stay back at the ship."

She then makes her way to join Hunter and Tech, intrigued by the impending mission, leaving the girls to ponder on the words of the experienced clone. Hunter, Tech, and Dean still discuss the situation, deliberating the risks of venturing into the heart of the Empire.

Noble is quick to offer her perspective. "We detoured to get Gregor out of Daro, remember? What's one Jedi kid gonna do to our mission? We can just pick him up and then go back to Cid's mission."

Tech appears to be initially hesitant, emphasizing their current supply run mission for Cid. However, Dean's reassurance and Noble's determined attitude sway Hunter's decision. With a sigh, he agrees to the mission, asking Dean to send the coordinates.

"That's the spirit, thanks Doc," Dean says in agreement, a bit pleased to her in defense to this situation.

"You know me, Doc," Noble gives a thumbs up at the holo unit. "We'll be right on our way..."

"Alright," Dean acknowledges. "I'll forward you the location."

"Looks like Noble is calling the shots this time, Sarge," Wrecker cackles beside Flash and Echo watching with amusement.


As the Bad Batch navigates the streets of Coruscant, they leave Dume, Octavia and Amber behind to guard the ship. Noble, familiar with the ins and outs of the planet, takes the lead. The city is alive with its usual frenetic energy, Imperial troopers patrolling and civilians going about their daily lives. The group blends in, trying to avoid unnecessary attention.

As they move through the crowd, a trio of schoolboys races by, chasing a transport they can't afford to miss. One of the boys catches Hunter's eye, sparking a sense of recognition. His helmet conceals his surprise as he watches the children.

"Hurry, it's leaving!" one of the boys calls out in urgency.

"We can't be late, Instructor Serris is gonna kill us!" another exclaims. In the commotion, a hat is sent flying, landing in front of Hunter. The boy named Marien chases after it and asks for the hat back. Hunter obliges, handing it to him.

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