12: Left Behind

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18 BBY | MONTH 1 - Some days past

The Havoc Marauder flies through the dry atmosphere of a desert planet, before landing to their destination. Each member leaving on foot leaves Noble, Dume and Flash to say a temporary goodbye to their beloved power droid, Gonky.

Approaching what appears to be a mine, Tech begins to walk up the staircase while Noble and Flash walk forward to join the group, watching Dume do his goofy sprint.

"According to Cid's coordinates, this is the mine she purchased," Tech announces looking over his datapad.

"And we're supposed to do what?" Omega asks in no motivation to do anything.

"Excavate the site for ipsium. It is tremendously valuable when refined," Tech says matter-of-factly. "However, in its raw state, the mineral is highly combustible, like a primed thermal detonator."

"Wrecker's favorite," Noble mutters to Flash, crossing her arms.

"Sounds dangerous," Wrecker laughs. "I like it!"

"You got that right, Glowy," Flash sighs rolling his eyes agreeingly as the door then opens up. Just behind them, Hunter turns around to see a massive storm. Leaning down to the ground he uses his senses.

"Problem?" Tech asks.

"The storm's moving away from us. We should be fine," Hunter states. "Tech, we'll mine the ipsium. The rest of you are on lookout."

"All of us?" Wrecker wonders over the dangerous job, but not much gets done as a rise in arguments begin to surround the area.


"Omega, Noble, we require your assistance."

"On our way," Omega sounds rather sadly. Noble reassures the child with a smile. "Echo will come back, I promise."

Omega simply sighs, faintly returning a smile before the two head inside leaving Flash, Wrecker and Dume to look after the storm and ship. "Crazy, how far we've come." Flash listens to the rumbles of the thunder. "Noble especially, and those storms."

"Imagine if she could create a storm like that," Wrecker points and laughs at the massive departing clouds.

"She probably could," Flash smirks, removing his helmet. "That woman carries a burden on her shoulders every single day, alone. She's both physically and emotionally strong to even be smiling."

"Yeah..." Wrecker exhales. "But she shouldn't have to be alone. None of this was her fault, not even what happened in that senate room, it was that Admirals fault."

"You're right..." Flash pats Wrecker on the shoulder, before turning to his left. Dume laying down simply lets out a short puff of breath, looking out at the storm.


Wrecker cracks his neck as Flash looks around still with his scomp and hand at his hips.

"That storm's changing course," Wrecker states the obvious as he turns to see the rest of the batch walking out.

"The weather patterns on this planet are most irregular," Tech points out, with his datapad as evidence.

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