What the hell is going on?

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"What is it about him?" you could hardly speak since you were still out of  your breath from the running.
" Sherlock you can't give out details to an ordinary citizen!" said them man who's name you didn't know.
"She's not ordinary, I asked her to come here, she can help us! Anyway Y/N this is Lestrad from Scotland Yard. " Sherlock said.
" Hello, I'm Y/N." You were so confused, you had thought that Sherlock had been joking when he had told you he helped Scotland Yard on their cases.
"I'm Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade, so Y/N how exactly can you help us and who are you at all?" he said with with a very formal voice.
" Eeeemm I'm Sherlock's friend, and I also know Jim Moriarty. I guess that would explain why I'm here," you replied.
" A friend? Sherlock has only one friend,John." Lestrade seemed confused.
" Are you trying to tell me that I don't exist?" you said , while raising your voice.
"Calm down Y/N, I understand that you've been through a lot today but try to stay calm, it's important." Mycroft said.
" Would someone like some tea?" Mrs Hudson said, you can't remember when did she get up here.
" I would love to,"  you said. Then Mrs. Hudson left the room and an awkward silence took over. " Why did you need me here?" you asked.
" Moriarty has hacked himself into the secret files of British Government and we have no idea where he is hiding himself." Mycroft said.
" And what am I supposed to do?" you asked.
" Well I thought that you might be able to contact him so we could find out his location." Mycroft explained.
" Sounds like a plan." Lestrade agreed.
" No, never.It's not going to work." Sherlock said.
" I agree, I want to help," you replied to Mycroft, cutting Sherlock out from the conversation.
"I said no! " Sherlock protested.
" What am I supposed to do?" you asked from Mycroft.
" You have his contacts don't you? So maybe you can call him and ask him out ? We will be watching you so you don't have to feel scared. If you manage to put the micro sensor somehow on him you can leave. Is that OK by you?"Mycroft asked.

"OK I'm sure I can do it," you replied quickly.
"You will not put yourself in danger for a stupid thing like this!"Sherlock grabbed you from your shoulder.
"It's my choice Sherlock! And this stupid thing is called the British Government !" you shouted.

***Time Skip***

You woke up at 8 AM, Mrs Hudson made you a cup of coffee, after that you had a shower. Someone had picked up some of your clothes from back home, thank god for that, wearing pajamas all day would have been weird. Mycroft came at 10AM.
" Are you ready?" he asked.
" Yes, I can do it you don't have to worry." you replied. You dialed Jim's number.
" I though you'll never call. I really am suprised. Does that mean I'll have a chance to see you again?" Jim's voice was mild.
" I don't know, I mean probably. I need to talk to you from face to face. I really wanna sort this all out but you have to help me." You sounded serious.
" How about we go out for a coffee? How does that sound?"
" Sounds fine." You replied.
" Let's say, 11.30 AM at our place?"
" See you then, bye." you ended the call.

Moriarty x Reader x Sherlock ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now