He promised that I'll be safe

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I don't know how to shoot! There was no way I could have shot someone, what was the point of giving me a gun anyway? I ran to the door on the back of the house, when I opened it I saw a bunch of people with freaking huge and scary guns. I'm calling them "freaking huge and scary guns" because I have no knowledge of guns! All I can say about the gun in my hand is that it's a pistol, that's all, I don't even know if I have to load it to shoot or do I have to just pull the trigger. As I said what's the point in giving me a gun anyway. Maybe I can throw someone with it, I don't know. This is exactly what happens in my head when I panic- I start to think about how pathetic I am and I pay no attention on saving my own 'pathetic' life. I ran back to the bedroom, where I saw Jim with even bigger freaking scary guns! " I told you to get out of house!" he shouted. " I would have been as holey as a freaking piece of freaking Swiss cheese!" I shouted back at him. " They're also in the back?" he asked. " Hmm.. Let me think... YEAH!" I was panicking freaking hard. " Y/N, look at me! Y/N, stop panicking,try to stay calm. Y/N!" he said while loading a gun. "Yeah, yeah , OK , yeah. Panicking is my middle name. No , no, no, no! I meant calm, yes calm. Y/calm/N." I said. " Stay here love, I'm going to see how many of them are there, no, no don't cry! I've been in a lot worse situation than this. We're fine Y/N, I promise you!" he ran off. I heard that someone opened the front door, I thought that it was Jim so I got up from the bed that I was laying on and left the bedroom. When I reached the kitchen I heard shooting from outside. I didn't think of anything else than Jim on that moment. I ran outside and saw Jim laying on the ground, he was in pain and there was a lot of blood coming from his neck. " NO!JIM NO!" You shouted and started running towards him. He shouted something but I didn't hear it, the only thing that I heard was my own heart beats. My heart beat fast and I felt like time had stopped around me, suddenly my heart beats changed. I felt pain in my chest and I fell on the ground. Time was going by in a normal tempo now, people started running and shouting but I almost didn't notice it.I was watching Jim, he had tears rolling down his face. " I'm sorry." he mouthed to me. I saw that it was hard for him to move himself and that he was dying in any second now. He raised his gun for the last time and shot one of the men who was standing there.After the shot, Jim calmly laid his back on the ground again, he was dead. The pain in my chest got worse when someone tried to move me, I was screaming in pain. There was someone trying to talk to me, trying to keep me on conscience. I had no idea who it was, was it a woman? Was it a man?Did I know her? Did I know him? I didn't see anymore, I didn't feel the pain anymore, I didn't hear the person talking to me anymore. I was dead. 

I know what happened next, because I was still there. I watched myself, the old me, laying on the ground. There was a man next to me, he was crying uncontrollably . It was Sherlock. I went and put my arm around him, I knew that he didn't feel it but it felt as the right thing to do. " I'm sorry," I said to him. I saw that I still had the pistol in my hand. I guess that this was the reason they had shot me. I had been dangerous. Me, the girl who still had no idea how to use that gun. I stood up and walked to Jim. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and just looked at him for a while. " You said that I'll be safe," I whispered to him" ...I am now." I stood up and looked around, Jim had shot the man who had shot me. He was also dead. I felt sorry for him, he was just doing his job. I looked around for the last time in this life. It was my time to go now. Everything went dark.

   ~The end!~

Moriarty x Reader x Sherlock ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now