Mindless murder

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Finn was missing. Days on end. Cops got complaints on suspicious activity from people. Going house to house, to see if any rumors had been true. They called Gwen into the station, because she said something about dreaming of a brick house. They couldn't find anything though.

   It'd been weeks since Finns mysterious disappearance. People were beginning to believe he ran off after having enough of his home life and bullies. Bruce didn't think anybody really cared as much as they should, everybody disliked finn. Although, Bruce ran into a boy named robin in the bathroom. He told him how, he'd met Finn in the bathroom, the boy seemed to actually care for Finn. Robin told him about all the stories of Finney helping him with maths class, and how the bullies didn't like they knew eachother. Robin seemed saddened about the disappearing of Finn, he really seemed to like him.

One day robin came into class crying, nobody knew why. So bruce asked, Robin told him that they pronounced Finn as dead, Robin didn't believe he really was though.

When Bruce was going home he suddenly got dizzy. Stopping in his tracks grabbing his head he felt someone shove past him. "Don't stop in the middle of a sidewalk" Bruce turned around to see vance smiling.

"Are you stalking me?"

"Nope, your just outside my house stranger" Vance chuckled. Bruce shook his head, flipping the boy off and walking away. Why was Vance so nice to him? Maybe because he helped him get his cat- Bruce walked around to the grab n go. He'd grabbed a bag of gummy worms and a sprite. He'd walked out to see a boy on a bench. The boy looked up.
"Hey" Bruce smiled
"Hi.." the boy was very good-looking.

"Mind if I sit?" Bruce asked. The boy shook his head no, Bruce sat next to him.

"I'm Bruce"

"Angus." The boy said quietly, Bruce gave him a smile, opening his candy.
"Want some?" He held the bag out. Angus reached in grabbing a gummy worm.

"Why are you sitting alone on a bench?"
"Nothing , better to do. And the views pretty nice" bruce looked up at a setting sun.
"I suppose it is, what school do you go too?"

"Same one as you-" the boy laughed "I'm not surprised you don't know, i don't talk much."

"Why not?"he rose a brow
"Because look at me, nobody likes someone that looks like this-" Bruce chuckled

"Your very handsome- don't lie to yourself! Come sit with me at lunch monday, okay?"angus nodded "I better get going. See you around"

"Bye, thank you for the candy" he smiled. Bruce waved goodbye before walking off to his house, he opened the door to see Amy and her friend on the couch. "Did mom say she could stay?"

"Yeah!" Amy rolled her eyes throwing a piece of _popcorn at him. He scoffed before waving to her friend and walking up to his room. Bruce laid his head on his desk, preparing himself for the ungodly amount of homework. He grabbed his pencil, neatly writing his name before sighing. He was top student in his school, lowest grade being a 99%
"I'll just do it in the morning.." he put his head down on the desk, dozing off. He'd been mentally exhausted from all the school work. Why couldn't he just disappear?

The next morning when Bruce got up he'd decided to go for a walk, when he got outside he looked around. Walking to a close place, the park. He saw a boy sitting on the swings.
"Bruce!" The boy on the swings waved. Bruce winced his eyes shut, walking closer noticing Angus.
"Oh! Hey!!" Bruce smiled. Taking the swing next to him "long time no see" he joked.

"What brings you here?"
"Just bored" Bruce looked at the boy. They stared at eachother for a couple seconds before Bruce quickly broke off eye-contact.

"Has anyone told you your eyes are really nice?"angus asked silently.

"Oh- Uhm no, but thank you" I smile appeared on Bruce's face. Angus nodded, he'd thought of a compliment back.
"You have a really nice smile angus"

"Do I?" He questioned
"Oh- thank you! I appreciate it" the boy turned to the side before his vision got caught on someone. Bruce noticed looking over.

Vance.. and the Robin kid. They both were screaming nonsense. Bruce stayed quiet, looking to see what was going on. He heard a few words
"This is why your fucking dad left you!" Vance screamed
"This is why your dad beats your sore ass" robin yelled back. Bruce looked at Angus and they were both wide eyed. Suddenly they heard a slam, there heads turned quickly. Vance punched robin into a tree, kids from the park circled around them.
"Uh- wanna go somewhere else?" Bruce asked

"Let's go watch the fight." Angus was intrigued, Bruce laughed agreeing. The boy grabbed his hand running towards the crowd. Robin was on top of Vance, he was winning the fight. They both got many good punches in and were bloody. A siren appeared and the crowd quickly scattered off. Bruce looked at Angus in fear, angus giggled grabbing the boys hand and running off.
"Come on slow poke!" Angus breathed heavily "can't be getting caught" Bruce kept running before they stopped behind a brick wall. He was two inches away from the boys face. He breathed vastly.

"Your fast-" Bruce gasped for air
"Thank you handsome" angus winked. Bruce felt himself go into shock.

"Well, my mom wants me home for some lunch.. see you later pretty boy" Bruce winked. He walked away, his cheeks heated up. He didn't like how Angus was making him feel. In the back of his mind he wondered what's happen to Robin or Vance..

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