The disappearance of Robin Arrellano

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A news report sent out.

A new kids missing...
It was Robin. The last time anybody had seen him was after the fight. Apparently he got pulled into the cop car, and walking home from the station disappeared.

The town went into worry, that'd been the second in a two week span. People were putting clues together trying to figure everything out, and find the Grabber. How did Robin even get taken? He's tough. Bruce laid on his bed, waiting for dinner. He frowned himself in his thoughts, trying to push aside his enormous pile of homework that was due the next day. Bruce sat up aggravatingly; he sat at his desk. Doing some assignments, homework was such a toll on mental health, who enjoys watching students being miserable. He'd managed to get most of the work done before Amy came barging in.
"Hey! Knock first idiot what if I was changing?!" He yelled before slamming the door shut.
"Mom!! Bruce called me an idiot" Bruce quickly opened the door.

"Tell her to knock and not be a nosy b-" he cut himself off.

"What was that?" His dad walked out of the room, Bruce looked at him shocked "nothing.." the old guy laughed.
"Mhm thought so." He said "no language like that in this house, especially with your thirteen year old sister."

Bruce rolled his eyes before strutting down the stairs
"Smells good momma" Bruce smiled sitting at the table.

"So.. have you heard anything new about that Robin kid?" Bruce shook his head.
"Have you ever even talked to him?" Amy groaned.

"Yeah I have- he cried to me about Finns disappearing, some say he ran away looking for Finn." Bruce shrugged. His mom nodded before they ate. Bruce thanked his mom for the food, before rinsing his tray and running back upstairs to do the rest of his homework. A bang was made on his window. The boy turned quickly before peaking his head out of it, he looked down and saw nothing. He raised his eyebrows. After shrugging it off, he decided to go to bed, sense he had school in the morning.


"BRUCE GET UP YOU FART" Amy barged in and Bruce groaned.
"I literally told you to knock yesterday" he put a pillow on his head.

When he heard the door shut, he slowly got out of bed stretching. He quickly headed to shower, washing his face and body. At school that day everybody was silent, robins locker was decorated. Bruce sighed deeply going to his first hour, he noticed a specific boy he never seen in the class. It was angus, I guess he meant it when he said he didn't talk.

Bruce smiled at him before going to his assigned seat. Dozing off in class occasionally raising his hand.

The boy walked out of the class groaning, he hated his classes. He was a sophomore with tons of seniors. Roughly two sophomores in each class.
At lunch he sat with his friends, he wondered why angus didn't show up. He looked around to see an empty table with one guy sitting at it, angus. He ditched his friends slowly walking over to the table. Angus looked up.

"Oh. Sorry I forgot"
"No worries I found you myself" Bruce flashed a grin. He could feel peoples stares. He didn't care though, Bruce was used to stares.

"Did you hear about the Robin thing?" Angus asked. Bruce nodded and angus sighed, looking up.
"I'm just thinking, if me and you didn't meet at the park.. I was about to head home. I could've been the one taken."

"I'd be miserable" Bruce looked at him

"You just met me?" Angus raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, but your cool. You don't use me for popularity. Angus I like you a lot" Bruce said genuinely. A smile formed on the boys face.

"Thank you yamada" he chuckled "means a lot"

"Of course" Bruce's voice softened.
The bell rang.
"Welp see you someday angus" Bruce said grabbing his backpack and walking away.


"BOO" Amy jumped out from the doorway. Bruce screamed and she started laughing, his parents at the counter joining. Bruce was already in a pissy mood, he rolled his eyes noticeably.

"Screw off." He shook his head and she fake punched him "don't be such a downer Debby" she mocked his voice.
Bruce pushed her away from him gaining his space back, he sighed.

"Hey, don't push your sister bruce." His dad said sternly. "Oh fuck you, she touched me first" he went to walk away, but felt someone grab his arm. He turned around to see his dads stern eyes.

"Who taught you a mouth like that?" Bruce looked away "look at me when I speak to you." Bruce still avoided eye-contact.

"Bruce Lee yamada. Your grounded for a week"
"That's bullshit! What!" He said "it's not my fault I want personal space"

"Two weeks! Go to your room" his mom said from the table. He threw his bag off running to his room, he quickly groaned in his bed. Before flipping his phone open. He laid down pouting to himself, an amber alert appeared.


Bruce looked at the time, it'd been six hours..

I met you in the basement || BRANCEDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora