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Vance walked into school, his hood up.
"Hey, Vance" a boy grabbed his shoulder, he looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"Not here for a fight." Vance sighed "I'm done with those"

"Oh I know.. I just wanted to say, I'm angus. I get your struggling lots and you need someone to help
You. I'll be that guy so if you wanna sit with me at lunch you can"

Vance looked down.. he didn't know if it was pity or not, but Bruce always seemed smiley around angus.

He cracked a smile "sure."

Vance walked away, people seen him as weak now. Because he was raped and assaulted by an old man, but he was burning in that basement. So sore from everything he couldn't even be his tough self like he was before. Vance felt crippled, but only his body was cracked.. he wouldn't reveal to anyone anymore information than they needed to know. He'd just lie and say he was fine.

It was two weeks after Vance escaped, guilt for Bruce's death trapping him. He finally got to see his mom, his stepdad finally ran away after Vance disappeared apparently.

His mom put him in therapy and took him to a doctors, vance was always a troubled kid. But now he's suffered from severe ptsd and anxiety.. he was learning how to cope.

When he'd finally get better, someone would always have to remind him.

One day..

Somebody started a fight with him, vance couldn't hold his anger back.

"Your the reason bruce yamada died"

"I tried saving him.. that's not true" Vance looked down.

"Your fucking fairy probably liked getting raped!" A boy yelled "it's a good thing bruce died."

"That's not true. Bruce is amazing"

"You should've died to, just like your dad" Vance cut him off punching him in the face. He was gaining strength back.

He didn't want people to think of him as aggressive anymore, it was just a persona he held before so he could feel all that and be cocky..

He didn't want attention on him anymore though.

Vance got off the boy he'd punched, looking at him before running off and out of the school. He ran home panting as he barged the door open.
"Vance why are you home?" He ignored his mom sprinting to the bathroom.

"I'm sorry mom, I tried getting better.. I just need to be with him. I need my Bruce" Vance whispered to himself crying as he rubbaged through the bathroom drawers. He looked at the metal. Quickly going up his whole arm, bleeding out.
"Shit- ow" he winced and grabbed a pill bottle draining them all.

He promised bruce he'd move on and be happy. But he couldn't do that without his happiness, Bruce.
"I'm sorry bruce." He whispered as his mom opened the door, vance laid there blood pouring from his arm and he wasn't even breathing.
He took his whole bottle of adhd and antidepressants.

He broke Bruce's promise..
losing his pulse.

And leaving his mom alone.

But everybody wanted him dead, right?

(That's an end to this book, totally not sobbing rn.. but I hoped you enjoyed being depressed while reading this bc Ik I was)


I met you in the basement || BRANCEWhere stories live. Discover now