Horrific hatred

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The hand grasped Bruce's and Bruce turned around slowly.

"I- wanna go to the beach when your not grounded?" Angus asked

"A date-" Bruce whispered"I-I'd love too" joy filled inside of the boy. Angus smiled
"Great, when can we?"

"In two weeks! I'll give you a call" Bruce wanted to jump with excitement. Bruce waddled his way home. All the lights were off, he climbed up his bedroom window before collapsing on the floor of his room. He giggled to himself about the idea of a date with Angus Jackson, the boy was quiet, but cute. Did Angus think of it as a date though?

(Let's skip to right before the date)

    Angus knocked on Bruce's front door, his parents opened it.
"Hi is Bruce home? We were gonna hang"

"Oh yeah!" They called Bruce down and Bruce looked at boy.
"See you mom and dad!" He smiled quickly walking out of the house, the two decided to go to the beach. It was sunny, and delightful. It was like there town wasn't in danger.

Angus sat in the sand complaining the water was to cold to go in, that upset bruce. So he took it into his own hands and grabbed the boy running into the water. They both shrieked, Bruce looked at the boy leaning in. He went to kiss him. But Angus pulled away. They were both hip deep in the water, angus raised an eyebrow.
"Bruce.. did you j-" he asked. Bruce quickly looked around awkwardly.

"I'm sorry- I" angus gasped "I'm straight." Bruce felt his heart shatter. The boy made it seem like he felt the same.
"What? "

"I thought you knew.. I just thought you were a touchy person, I'm sorry" angus looked down.

"No- it's my fault, I should get going.. the suns setting anyways." Bruce ran out of the water grabbing a towel and his bag.
"Bruce no! It's fine"

"No- I've gotta go" tears started forming in his eyes. He quickly ran off to the closest place he could find, the boy sat behind a brick wall in a random alley. He cried there, feeling like a fool. Angus led him on it felt like, even if he didn't mean too. Bruce shook out of his thoughts a few moments later, he got up starting to walk home. He just couldn't manage to walk himself that far, he collapsed on the ground. His chest got heavy and his air stopped circulating correctly, it felt like his thoughts were closing in on him. Bruce pushed himself off the wall slowly walking trying to navigate a safe spot, he couldn't manage it though. He felt a crash as he bumped into someone.

"Hey! You spilled my groceries" he heard a voice. Bruce squinted his eyes before seeing a guy with a mask.

"Oh I'm so sorry- let me help" he grabbed some of the stuff putting them in his bag.
" do you mind grabbing me my hat?" The man asked, Bruce looked around, picking a black top-hat up.

"I'm a part time magician- wanna see a trick?" Bruce felt bad saying no.
"Sure" his eyes turned to the guy opening the back doors to his van. Bruce eyed it, it was the black van that could've almost hit him. The one that always sped down the road when Bruce was walking home, Bruce looked into the back to see what was taking him so long.

"Are those black balloons?" He asked

"Why yes they are" Bruce remembered what the cops were saying about black balloons at the sight of the kidnappings.

"I've gotta go-" Bruce went to turn away when he felt the guy grab his neck. Spraying a weird substance in his mouth. His vision got blurry, and he lost control of his body quickly passing out as he was shoved into the van. The doors quickly closing.

   When Bruce opened his eyes he saw the man again, his vision blurred as he was being held. The man opened a door walking down a set of stairs. He heard mumbling, he worked some of it out.
"Looks like you've got a friend hopper"

"No, take him back"

"Be greatfull. This one did it to himself he ran into me" the grabbed laughed before bruce felt himself get dropped on a mattress.

He slowly blacked out once again. A door slamming with it.

When he woke up somebody was over him waving a hand in front of his face. Bruce opened his eyes.
"Where am I?"

"You- got kidnapped by the grabber.. remember me? You saved my cat that one day it's Vance"

"Did you take me?" Bruce's eyes widened
"No no no- I was taken last month, I've been here since. He's the one that took finn, Robin, and the others" Vance let out a cry.

Bruce looked at him
"How'd he get you? Your strong" Vance sighed deeply " I was taken off guard, while smoking a cigar" Bruce looked at him.

"Will we make it out?"Bruce asked "will I ever see my family again?"

"I hope.. I wonder that too. If I ever will see my mother, again" Bruce leaned against a wall. A door

"How do you like your friend vancey?"
"Go away." Vance said stern

"Aw you don't want food?"

"No. It's not like you've gave me a big enough portion to matter you fucking twat" he spat.
The grabbed laughed, before slamming the door shut making the room shake.

"Can't we just scream? Somebody will have to hear right.."

"No, it's useless I tried so many ways for escape.. id be dead by now if I hadn't tried so hard. He told me he's taking his time with me-" Vance sniffled.


"Yeah, but we're in this together now okay?" Vance looked at the boy. Bruce nodded, he didn't feel good. His heart still shattered from the stupid idea of a kiss between angus.

Bruce missed his family already.

Why did he wish to disappear?

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