Dont make it awkward darling.

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"I-Uhm sorry.." Vance said

"That's not what I asked"
"I don't know.. you reminded me of someone" Vance looked at him. Bruce raised an eyebrow, confused.


"My girlfriend, liv- I wonder where she is" he sighed
"Liv caspbrooke?" Bruce asked.

"Mhm you know her?"

"Vance, she killed herself right after you went missing." His mouth widened, he felt tears escape. Soon enough he was crying so much it felt like a puddle was underneath him. Liv was the only person to understand him.

"I'm so sorry.." Bruce went to comfort him, but vance smacked his hand away.

"Don't call me that. Only liv did" he said sharp

"You have to forget, it's tough I know but you can't change it" Bruce put a hand on his shoulder, vance turned punching him across the face, smacking Bruce's head into the concrete behind him. Bruce felt it as his head started ringing.

"Shi- Bruce I'm sorry" Vance gasped, he didn't mean too.

"Get the fuck away from me" Bruce whispered
"Hey I'm sorry!"

"Go the fuck away" Bruce screamed as vance got off the mattress walking to a corner. Both eyes shifted to the door opening.

"The couple fighting?" The grabber asked "oh did he hit you?" He smiled. Walking to Vance. He touched Vance's pretty hair, deviously.
"Bad hopper. Don't kill him before I do" he chuckled , shivers went through Bruce's back as the grabbed looked at him "that's my job Brucey" he smiled shutting the door, Bruce didn't wanna die.

Vance looked over
"I'm not letting him kill you"

"Mhm" Bruce said

"I'm not bruce" Vance said
"Why wouldn't you? I just screamed at you"

"Because.. I like you, like like you" Bruce went quiet, his eyes widened.
"Well, do you like me?" Bruce didnt talk , sure vance gave him butterflies, but he was a bad person. Did it even matter? Hed die down there anyways, so he decided to just tell Vance.

"Don't make it awkward darlin~" Vance said making Bruce tingle inside.

"I like you too." He mumbled
"What couldnot hear you, speak up"

"I like you too" Bruce sighed
"Hmm" Vance smiled.

"I like you! Okay vance" he said loudly, stopping as his heart beated vastly.

"Oh, cool" Vance smiled.
"That's all?" Bruce asked "just cool-"

"Well, I'm not gonna rush it." He shrugged

Bruce wanted him to rush it, he didn't wanna wait!
"Fuck you hopper" he scoffed.
"You wish"

"Ugh gross" Bruce shook his head, vance winked at him. Getting up and walking behind the brick wall, Bruce heard him pull his zipper down and soon after a pissing sound. Bruce made a straight face, pushing his head as far as he could into the mattress.

(Super fucking short chapter I'm so mf sorry bro.)

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