The disapearance of Vance Hopper

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Bruce sat on his bed shocked.
No? Vance couldn't get taken by 'the grabber'..

The cops haven't let anything else out.
But robin was still taken, how could Vance be taken in only one day. What was happening? Bruce got out of his thoughts at a knock.
He walked over opening the door, it was his mom.

"Are you forgetting, no phone." She said softly holding her hand out. Bruce rolled his eyes handing it to her and shutting the door. He looked around his bland room with an empty mind, how would he hear from his friends?

The next day at school. It was less depressing than usual. People were laughing, a huddle around Vance's locker, what usually would be a fight with him. Was just people decorating his locker, but now how they did robin or Finns. It was a picture of Vance and his face had devil horns.
It read out the words

You did all this.
You killed Robin and are on the run.

Bruce looked around spotting a friend of his, he tapped his shoulder.
"Hey, why are people blaming Vance?"
"Because.. it was him probably. After the fight is it just a coincidence that Robin goes missing?" He laughed

"Vance probably chucked his body in the river and ran away"

"Do you really think he would do that?" Bruce asked "he seems coolish.."
"The fuck? He isn't, he's borderline physco." His friend shook his head walking away. The words stuck at the back of his head. Vance could've ran away, it was a huge possibility. The boy sighed going to his classes. No occasional screaming with a teacher, sense both people who would; went missing.

(Skip to at home)

"Hey Bruce" his mom greeted him
"Hi" he went to walk upstairs, but she stopped him.

"It's movie day!"

"Mom, I don't really want to watch one. I'm not a little kid with these weekly traditions anymore, plus I have a lot of homework. Maybe next week" he sighed. She nodded and let go of his grip.
Bruce didn't want to be with his family every minute of his life, he wished he could just leave them for good. They were annoying and stuck-up rich. Bruce sat at his desk doing work, did he wanna do it? Of course not, but if a grade was under a 98% his grounding would probably be three weeks. When he finished a study guide, he went over it in his head a billion times. There's no way he wouldn't pass right? Bruce thought so. He put all of his work and study papers away, before going downstairs to see his family watching a film.

"You do the homework?" His dad asked. Bruce nodded "than join us" he scooted over. Bruce sighed "sorry dad, I'm not feeling the best I was going to go up and rest.."

His dad eyed him "okay-"
Bruce grabbed ibuprofen's and a glass of water before heading back to his room. When he got there he threw the pills out. How would his parents know he snuck out? He could see if Angus was at the park or something.

He grabbed his bag before creaking open the window slowly. The boy put one foot out, whipping the other over and jumping out. Whilst the boy walked he looked at the sky, he heard a familiar voice. Particularly the one he was looking for. He turned around  seeing Angus, the boy quickly smiled.
"Just who I wanted to see"

"Why haven't you answered your messages?" Angus asked, Bruce remembered adding him on Snapchat.

"Oh sorry- I'm grounded" angus raised an eyebrow.
"Why are you out then?"

"Snuck out-..."
"Aren't you scared that like.. you'll get taken? By Vance or something." Angus questioned the boy.
"I don't really care about myself.. so no I don't care" he shrugged "and I don't think vance is part of this-"

"You don't?" Angus asked

"No, he probably got taken too. He was a nice guy if he liked you" Bruce sighed. Angus didn't say anymore, just nodded. Angus looked at Bruce before walking over looking at Bruce.
"Wanna go to the movies?" Angus asked, Bruce thought for a second. What if his parents came in his room by now?

"Why not" he shrugged.

The two walked down to a local drive-In, sitting down and watching the movie, Bruce yawned when a weight was made on his shoulder. It was Angus, Bruce decided to wake the boy, since the movie had finished. And he didn't want to stay and watch the credits.
"I've gotta get home.." Bruce whispered
"Oh okay.. bye" the boy mumbled

Bruce kissed his forehead whilst he going to walk away, a hand grasped his though.

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