#5 Glass Slipper: Levi X Reader (Part 1) Fairytale A/U

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Author's Note:


Thank You So Much for 1,150+ Reads! I really do not deserve this and I am not that good either. You guys are amazing! I am really, really sorry for not updating in a long while. I recently went out of town. I planned to publish this last 2 weekends but I never got the chance to finish it. But it's completed now!

I seriously did my best to finish this; I stayed up until 3 in the morning on a weeknight and woke up at 6 AM to get it done in time before school (resulting a cold). I am really sorry; I am the worst person ever, I am such a disappointment and a major asshole. Oh, and I am seriously not exaggerating to get attention I am actually sneezing and coughing billions of times as I am writing this.

Here you go~ ^-^


Dedicated To All My Beautiful Readers

Third POV

There once was a girl,

She once heard, in the fairytales her parents recited to her, the good always eclipsed the bad, and happy endings were given away like they were inferior. She used to hope that the same would happen to her, hoping that her prince will come and lift her troubles off her shoulders.

In spite of that, she knew that it wasn't going to happen, the good wouldn't always transcend the bad, happy endings are gained, not given away and flawless princes would not come to her rescue her.

Caged in the shabby cottage and in a world where promises are nothing but spoken lies, she is skeptical of what to expect anymore.

Her stepmother had locked her up in the cramped cottage ever since her father's death, fearing that men would choose her over her own daughter.

Her (s/c) but luminous complexion, Smiling lips the color of a rose blossoming in the season of spring and shining almond shaped (e/c) eyes adorned her curvy figure. Not only alluring on the outside it seemed, her heart resembled an angel's, glowing with kindness and purity. A hidden beauty, some might say.

The alluring girl slowly walked her way along the cobblestone path, leading to the town square. She was sent to do her daily chores, but left her never-ending list at home. She tried her best to remember, but it seemed impossible.

She was lost in her own thoughts when she felt something hit her, she immediately lost balance and toppled over, waiting for the impact which never came. Instead she hit something softer. After realization settled inside of her that she apparently bumped into someone and that he/she had caught her, she immediately stood up and brushed the invisible dust off her white apron.

"S-sorry... I wasn't looking at where I was going!" She immediately apologized, her voice sounding like a harmonious choir of the heavens.

"Tch. You better be."

She adverted her gaze upwards at the taller figure, her (e/c) hues meeting his grey ones, they weren't a dull grey, but they were the grey of steel, piercing and cold. He looked to the left in an arrogant manner, both arms crossed over his muscular chest. An expensive looking black trench coat adorned with gold buttons overlapped his crisp white button up shirt and white gloves covered his pale hands.

Without second thoughts, she knew right away that this man was someone important.

"I'm sorry sir, but I don't have much. This is the only thing I could give you as an apology. I saved them for lunch, but you could have them, I'm not that hungry after all." She took out the warm blubbery muffin she wrapped in a clean white cloth and handed it to him, he widens his eyes at her kindness but didn't accept her offer.

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