#7 I'm sorry: Levi x Reader

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I'm sorry for not updating, I am (and still is) very busy lately. I also do not want to publish boring author notes to bug my awesome and beautiful readers so that was why I didn't inform anything regarding this issue.^ - ^

Also I don't have any ideas for titles so sorry if it is irrelevant
(I deeply apologize for any mistakes and quirks as this was written at 2AM on a tiny screen that is my phone)
(F/N)'s POV:
"(F/N)!" A feminine holler of my name broke the peacefulness of my precious sleep.
What cadet would barge inside a corporal's room at 4AM and call a corporal by her first name? Definitely this is not a regular cadet. Not that I minded if it was, after all being the timid person I am, I don't think I seem like a corporal.
Besides myself, the only other high pitched higher-ups would be Hanji, or maybe it was Levi or Erwin on helium with a major sugar rush.
"Leave. Now." I lazily ordered before dozing off for a couple of seconds until the bespectacled err- woman began opening her noisy mouth again.
"But (F/N)!!! You gave to go and see what I found!" She insisted.
"If it's anything titan-related then leave me now or I am going to order you to clean your brains out." Incase you haven't realized, I am diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive-disorder.
"But I thought we were friends..." She whined.
"I am still your superior. Now Leave." i sloppily groaned. I hated using the 'I am in a higher rank than you are' card, but come on. I didn't even know why Erwin promoted me.
"Awww..." She paused for a moment to think,"How if I tell you what I found is a wounded kitty?"
"WHERE IS IT NOW?! WE NEED TO SAVE IT!" I demanded, leaping off my bed and landing with a loud thump on the solid concrete floor.
She chuckled, "Get changed corporal, Levi wouldn't want the other cadets seeing you in err- that..."
I paused my actions and looked down at my attire, I was only wearing my bra and underwear. Color layered my cheeks, "Levi and I are just friends." I quickly said after hearing a giggle escape her mouth
"Pshh, with benefits!" A huge laughter erupted from the titan freak.
My cheeks turned even a darker shade of crimson, if that was even possible in the first place, "Hanji!" I shrieked, hitting her back repeatedly, which was extremely out of character for a shy person like myself, but this is Hanji we are talking about.

After a quick uniform change Hanji took me to her lab where a black kitten is wrapped snugly into a cocoon with a soft pink blanket.
"Awwwww! It's so cute!" I gushed at the tiny being.
"I know right!" Hanji stared at the sleeping creature in awe.
"Where is it wounded?" I questioned.
She broke off her trance and unwrapped the kitten with much care.
The raven colored kitten slowly opened it's eyelids to Hanji's touch; revealing sparkling emerald orbs.
"It broke its' left hind leg." She answered sadly, "It got hit by a cart when I found it this morning."
I scanned the kitty to see one of it's paws wrapped in a minuscule cast.
"Aww... Poor thing..."
"Yeah, that's why we should nurse it back to health!" Hanji exclaimed.
"And keep it afterwards!" I added, Hanji nodded her head furiously.
"We have to get permission from Levi and Erwin though. Erwin wouldn't be a biggie, since you know he has a thing for you. But I am sure Levi would say no..." She trailed off.
"He doesn't have thing for me." I corrected.
"I'll attempt to convince levi." I declared, although it came out like a question rather than a declaration. Because convincing Levi can mean involving yourself in the world's largest nuclear war. Ever.
Hanji stifled a laugh, "You don't sound so sure yourself."
As if on cue, a certain raven haired corporal barged in the room, "Shitty glasses! What the fuck is all this commotion about? It's fucking 4:30 for crying out loud!" He yelled, his gunmetal orbs scanned the room, stopping when he saw me, "And what is (F/N) doing here? Is she part of your titan experiment? If so I would not give you permission to have her participate-"
"Geez, stop acting like a constipated old man in front of your little girlfriend, and no she is not part of my titan experiment." She casually said while rolling her eyes.
Don't blush (f/n)! Don't you dare fucking blush!
Shit. I blushed.
Well goodbye pride, not going to see that in a while.
"Tch." He clicked his tongue breaking the awkward tension which casted upon us a moment ago.
"HA!" Hanji pointed an accusing finger at him, "You are not denying it!"
"I didn't concede it either ." He bluntly stated.
"Jeez... Why do you have to be s-so- RIGHT?" She complained.
The raven haired man only rolled his eyes in response. His gunmetal orbs caught something black lurking in the room.
"What is that." He bluntly questioned while working his way towards it, one step at a time.
"U-uh... Its a cat?" His question came out as a statement, my statement came out as a question, how ironic and wonderful. Exactly what I was hoping for.
Cough sarcasm cough.
"And what is a cat doing here?"
Hanji who seemed flabbergasted for the past minute finally stepped in, "It got run over by a cart and broke it's leg, so I rescued it."
"Get that thing out, now." He commanded.
"Y-you can't do that!" I protested although starting to sound unsure myself.
"Tch. Why not?" He retorted in an arrogant manner.
"B-beacause... We basically have the same position as corporals and I gave Hanji my permission to keep it so therefore we get to keep it." I insisted but regretted as soon as I said it, well I lived long enough, at least this isn't as bad as getting eaten by a titan right? But wait, Levi is a titan.  1/6th scale. I always thought that there was a slight possibility that the titans built the walls to protect themselves from him.
"Ooh?" he cocked his left eyebrow showing interest in the conversation, "Let's see what Erwin has to say about it."
"But eyebrowwsss!!! You allow titans in the research facility, a little harmless kitty will sure be fine!" Hanji groaned.
"The research facility is for only for research that will benefit humanity." The bullshit spluttering blonde man insisted.
"How about the horses?" Hanji muttered.
"We need them for battle." Mr. Butting-myself-in-a-conversation-I-am-unwanted-in said bluntly.
"Please?" I tried.
"Your pretty face won't change anything." He said back.
"Woah!!! did he just say that?" Hanji commented.
"What?" Levi and Erwin questioned in unison.
"LEVI JUST SAID (f/n) WAS PRETTY!" She screeched obnoxiously as if it was the best thing that she heard  all her life.
It was not long before questions start rolling out of her mouth, and multiplying. Fast. "So, when did you started dating? Had your first kiss yet? Did you guys did the do yet? Oh! Have you guys thought of getting married? How many kids do you want? I don't know why a hot girl like you want to date this constipated guy! Well I mean he is pretty hot, but seriously (f/n)... but then if you have thought this through then I would support y-"
"Stop." The raven haired man cut off. For the first time in forever I was glad that he butted in. If he didn't then I would probably have peed my pants and died of dehydration considering the amount of sweat and heat my body is producing. Let's just say that I am not the most confident person
"She looks like she is about to die." He added.
"Oh." Was all she said.
Erwin stared at the three of us in a confused state before shaking his head.
"I guess it's a no then (f/n)..." He sighed, sadness obvious in his eyes for some odd reasons.
"Why did you even made this brat a corporal?" Levi quickly asked.
"How will that information benefit you in any way?" He replied, aaaaanndddd his desk seemed to suddenly become interesting.
"Although if you can get Levi to agree with you, then I can allow it." He concluded. I fidgeted with my sweat coated fingers before nodding concealing my disappointment , "May I please dismiss myself now Erwin?" i asked, feeling as if I'd get more disappointed if I stayed in this room longer.
"Of course and you don't really have to excuse yourself next time." He informed. I have to admit, he has attempted to get closer to me lately, but  I will not believe in what Hanji said. Because there is absolutely no way that it would happen.
The cat disappeared the next day, Levi has probably gotten rid of it...
i avoided him today, and the day after and after... I don't know why but a bunch of emotions were tangled up all inside of me.
I was alone sitting in the mess halls when someone decided to join me.
He scanned the area before focusing on me like I was his fucking prey.
"(F/n), look, I am really sorry. You are right that I don't deserve you. You are not a worthless piece of shit to me b-because..." his ears turned red as he fidgeted with his fingers rapidly, "shit." He cursed, I wasn't oblivious to the fact that he had practiced this before, "I-I..." He stopped, "I L-love you, even if you wouldn't love me back, I'll wait." He finished, taking a deep breath after and exhaled it out.
I stood there quietly fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. "Hanji told me that the cat was missing the next day, so I searched for it everywhere and tried to nurse it back to health because I knew you would be disappointed if it got lost, so that was why I couldn't spend time with you." He handed me a red box, I received it and hesitantly lifted the lid. I gasped when I saw what was inside, a raven colored cat with emerald eyes. Exactly like the one I was missing.
Hellooooo? Where is Levi? Is that him? Nope that is a sweet gentlemen who looks exactly like him.
I felt like an idiot. It was I who didn't deserve him, not the other way around.
I placed the cat on a table before giving him a tight hug.
"I love you too Levi." I whispered in his ears.
Okay, I failed at doing a crack fic ;-;
Because this was supposed to be one
And now things escalated too quickly and it sucks. I am currently working on 3 one-shots:
-glass slipper part 2
-a bullied levi x reader (no title yet, but this was requested)
Well I'll sleep now... And see you in the next updateee!

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