Chapter 2 - Getting Closer

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Edward's POV

He was standing there under the sun looking like a precious gem, practicing his magic. He looked so beautiful. All of a sudden he stopped and looked at me, he stood frozen. I walked out of the trees and sped next to him. 'That unfroze him' I thought it myself. After a minute of collecting himself he turned to me and asked "What are you??" I couldn't help but laugh, he just stared at me. 'Damn he's cute, but what is he?? Werewolf? Nope Wendigo? no to hot Vampire? I don't even though if they exist' He thought to himself. "really you thought I was a werewolf or a wendigo and yes vampires exist, and to answer your question I am a Vampire." 

"Wait what? How did you know what I was thinking. Shit can you read thoughts, that is so cool!! And your really a Vampire." I chuckled at his statement. "Yes I can read your thoughts it's my gift and I am really a Vampire" he just stared at me shocked. 'OMG he can read thoughts this just gets better, he is perfect and according to Deaton he is my true mate. Which will make me and him stronger. Oh shit is he reading my thoughts now!' I just stare at him he knows he is my mate and I am his. "Yes I just read your thoughts and thanks for the complement by the way. And who is Deaton, thanks to him it means I don't have to try to explain what a mate is."

Stiles' POV

He is a cute Vampire who already knows he is my mate, but does he know that I am a Spark?? I may as well ask him "do you know what I am??" He instantly replies "Yes you are the last living Spark on earth." Ok he knows which is good. I have a question for him but I don't want to say it. 'If I am your mate do I have to become a Vampire?' He thinks for a moment before speaking "I am not sure I will have to ask Carlisle, you can join me if you want to?" "Um, yeah sure I don't mind. Lead the way." I reply with a smile.

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