Chapter 10: Pre-Fight

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All the Cullens are ready to fight and apparently so are the Quileute wolves. Their all-defending Edward and so is Derek which still surprises me. I'm ready for the pack to come if any of them get past the wolves. 

Next, they have to get past the Cullens and then Derek and I are the last line of defense and know I'm not letting them past me to kill my soulmate and love Edward. 

I can hear as the wolves fight against the pack and I look back at Edward who's standing on the porch while I'm right in front with Derek slightly in front of me. After a while I hear a whine from a wolf and then a howl. 

Derek looks at me with a look that says the wolves are down for the count and now it's the Cullen's facing off against the pack. I hear the fight start and I hope they all make it through okay. 

It's been about an hour before I see someone running through the tree line and I see it's Emmett I step forward and he stops in front of me, and immediately he puts his hands on his knees almost to support himself as he takes breathes in and out heavily. Not long after does he says through his breathing "They're strong, they're coming." 

After that he collapses but I catch he and I practically carry him to Edward then tell him "Take him inside, stay there till I call you." 

Edward nods before taking Emmett with him inside. I turn around and go back down the steps back to my position. 

Not long after that does the pack come through the tree line and my eyes widen see the whole pack still standing with hardly a scratch. 

I feel rage come through me see Scott and I step past Derek and warn them "Turn around and don't ever come back. You're not killing Edward, he's, my soulmate. Now leave, you have no business here. If you don't, I'll fight you all and win because I'd rather die than let you kill my love." 

I then realize I said that out loud but then I regain my composure thinking 'No need in focusing on that right now and besides he is my love.' 

I stare down Scott when he roars at me saying "Stiles! we're not going anywhere till that thing dead and your home." 

I'm shocked mouth a gap at what he just said, and I think about him talking about my mate calling him 'a thing.' I then repeat "No Scott not happening. If you want to kill him, you're going to have to kill me first." 

This shocks Scott and he asks "What! You'd die for this complete stranger?" I then tell him "I already told you, he's my soulmate and he's not a stranger I know him more and more. I already know I love him with all my being. Now leave Scott because I'm not going to let any of you come anywhere near him."

Scott then scowls at me and states shocking me "Take Stiles down alive and kill this, Edward." my jaw drops, and I get ready to fight.

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