Chapter Four - Change

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Stiles' POV

All I can feel as bones breaking and being fixed in seconds, I can feel the venom moving around my body and making me a new born. As I wake up I feel different, I can hear everything around me, I can see further than I ever could before and I can tell everything in me is heightened. As I look around I spot the most beautiful being I know (Edward). He is just soooo hot. I hear a chuckle and the first thing I think is can he read my mind? He nods his head yes, ohhhh dammn I'm so screwed.

~~~Time Skip~~~

Getting used to all the senses and the skills I now have is so weird like I can run faster, I am stronger and my senses are better quality than werewolves and it's so fun. Edward has been teaching me so we've been hanging and I think I love him 'I know I haven't known him long but I dunno I feel a stronger bond forming' he looks over at me like he hadn't been reading my mind at all and says "I have been feeling the same way it's the mate bond forming so we can eventually strengthen it" he gives me a wink and a smirk and runs off. I get up to follow and I stop as I hear a snap of a twig. I turn around and all I see is....

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