Chapter 8: Meeting

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Jacob and I make our way back to Billy's to talk about what we just saw. I turn to the young wolf and ask him who the other guy that stiles was with was "Who was that guy?" The young wolf answers "That was Edward Cullen, a Vampire." 

My eyes widen as I remember Stiles' scent was off and I ask "What about Stiles the other one. He smelled different, why is that?" He answers again "He must have smelled different because he was turned into a vampire." 

My eyes widen even more, and I turn to Billy telling him "Thank you for the help, Billy but I need to return to my pack and report my findings." 

Billy nod and says, "We're here to help if you need it." I smile and nod replying, "Thank you and I'll need some help when I return with some of my pack to help with Stiles." 

He nods once again and repeats "Like I said Derek, your welcome here and the help is here if you ever need it." 

I smile nodding once again and I turn to go to my car to return to Beacon Hills. Once in the car I grab my phone and send a group text to everyone saying, "Everyone to the loft, we need to talk." 

I put my phone into my pocket and start my car waving goodbye to Billy and the young wolf Jacob. I pull away and start the drive back to Beacon.

~~mini timeskip~~


I arrive at the loft seeing everyone's already here and I park getting out to go up to my loft. Once I enter the loft the whole pack looks to me and Scott's the one who is the first to ask, "Do you find him?" I nod yes and tell them "And that's not all . . ." 

I wait a bit before telling them about Stiles more likely than not being a Vampire now "Thing is when I tracked him his scent was off and then there was the fact, he wasn't alone. Apparently, he's associated himself with a Vampire and has become one himself." 

All of their jaws drop and Scott steps up to me and says almost pleadingly "Please tell me you're lying or joking around." I look down then back up answering "I'm sorry Scott but scents don't lie." 

He looks down as if defeated and then back up with a blood thirsty glint in his eye saying with calm rage "Then let's kill this Vampire that killed Stiles." 

I'm confused by that comment and state "Stiles isn't dead . . . well not . . . uhm. . . Never mind." I see his point now, but he technically isn't dead . . . more undead than dead dead. I then say, "well let's think . . ." 

Scott interupts "No Derek, no thinking, we're doing this. Right, everyone!" Everyone answers the following "yeah, let's do this, kill the Vampire, the Vampire took Stiles." 

Among other various words and phrases. I'm not sure about this but I'm not going to change any minds so I might as well find out how and why Stiles got turned before everyone else tries to kill this Vampire. 

I rush out without looking back not paying attention to the voices that call out and I rush back to Forks to ask the Quileute wolves for help in preventing my pack from getting to them before I do.

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