Chapter 11: Fight

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Scott then scowls at me and states shocking me "Take Stiles down alive and kill this, Edward." my jaw drops, and I get ready to fight.

As I get ready to fight, I say trying to reason with my friend "Scott please don't do this. Just go home and back off. I don't want to hurt you, but I will if any of you try to come and hurt him."

Scott just shakes his head and tells everyone "Attack!" Every one of the pack minus Lydia wolf up and I bring out my vampire side saying with poison "I warned you." 

They all come at once and Derek helps by taking on Issac, Liam and Malia while I fight the rest, I easily took them out and I see Scott about to open the door, so I speed over and toss him away. 

He falls down to the ground and I again speed over but instead I grab him by his collar seething in anger "You leave now, or I won't hesitate to kill you or anyone else if you ever come near me or my mate again." I drop him and he falls to the floor angry. 

He has a scowl on his face as he heaves himself up, he orders the pack "Let's go." They all slowly get up and off the ground leaving one by one. Scott's the last one to leave and he tells me "You're not the same Stiles anymore. Goodbye Stiles. You won't see me or anyone of us again." 

Before he leaves, I activate my spark and I tell him "I can't risk you hurt us. Say goodbye to the wolf Scotty." I think of the who deserves to be alpha and once I make my choice, I blast Scott with a beam. 

That beam connects from my hand to Scott before it connects with Derek and soon the beam glows red as Scott's eyes turn from red to their natural color making him human. The beam then is removed from Scott and it's now on Derek. 

The red disappears into him making his eyes glow from their piercing blue to the alpha red and the beam returns to its natural color before I call it off. 

Derek's eyes stay red for a time before they too fade to his natural color, and I tell Scott "Now your human and will never be a threat to me or anyone else. Derek is now the true alpha and I trust him to use it properly. Goodbye Scott."

He turns to leave fuming in anger not looking back and after I take a breath knowing Scott will no longer be a threat, I call out knowing Edward was most likely listening "Edward it's safe." After a bit the door opens, and Edward comes right to me. I meet him in the middle, and we embrace one another. 

I start to cry thinking how I lost my best friend, but I then remember he did try to kill my mate, so I quickly recover thinking I have a need friend and I turn from Edward seeing Derek about to leave so I call after him "Derek!" 

He turns to face me, and I smile going over to him with Edward right beside me holding hands. I stop in front of him and tell him "Thank you for helping I probably wouldn't have won without you. So, thank you and your welcome to stay a while if you want. Your also welcome here anytime. Right Edward?" 

Edward clarifies "Yes of course. Anyone who's willing to help protect me is welcome to stay." I squeeze my hand tighter around Edwards showing him I appreciate it and he returns it. After I tell Derek "Thanks again but we should probably check on everyone, make sure everyone is okay." 

Derek nods and he says "I'm going to go check on the wolves and thank them for their help. then I'm going to head back to my loft and get some sleep, but I'll visit when I can." I nod and Edward goes to the house to check on Emmett while I leave to go check on the rest of the Cullens.

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