Outside My Boundaries

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The warm sun was beating down on my body, as I tried to catch the last few rays of the summer sun. One moment, I'm basking in the refreshing light, the next I'm in the dark, and water is dripping on me. Squinting, I glance up and see him. The boy who left for sumer camp, is back. The boy who made my life a living hell.

"Hi, Mason." I replied icily. Cool water droplets were currently dripping from his gorgeous, dark hair, as his dark eyes sparkled, making his all too dreamy body almost make me drool... Whoa! Snap out of it. Don't forget that this is the boy, who last year, on your birthday, filled your locker with cupcakes, so when you opened in you got caught under a cupcake avalanche. And, how about the time, he filled your shampoo with bleach, and your conditioner with neon pink hair dye. Or! The time that he tri-

"Hey Maddy," he interrupted, drawing my attention away from my internal argument, "Your looking really good in your bikini. Where have you been hiding that little bod." He was smirking, most likely at his ability to make me blush. 

I was studying the floor, and I was very focused, when I heard a groan. I peeked up through my lashes, and started cracking up. Mason, was rubbing the back of his head, and my older brother, Blake, was glaring at him, after he most likely smacked Mason.

"Dude! That's my little sister!" He protested, grabbing him by his ear, and dragging him into our pool. After I heard a huge splash, I grabbed my towel, and headed back into the house.

After showering, and pulling on some black sofee shorts and a white croptop, I padded into the kitchen, and saw Mason eating my gummy bears. Oh, hell no! 

I stormed over to him, and he must've anticipated this, for he just lifted his hand above my reach. "Don't touch my gummy bears!" I growled.

He just chuckled,"Oh, Maddy. You are gonna be so much fun to mess with this year,".

Joy. School starts, and when school starts, the whores start coming around my house to hang out with Mason and Blake, and the guys start ignoring me.

And the cherry on top of the cake is that I get to see Mason, even more than I already have to.

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