Chapter 2

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(Mason's P.O.V.)

"Mason," Mackenzie groaned as I kissed her neck. Her voice was pretty annoying, but I was getting action, so who cares?

I trailed back up to her lips. I lightly bit on her bottom lip, asking for entrance, which she easily gave me. Our tongues danced together. I licked her lip as she groaned in my mouth. I ran my hands through her blond hair.

"Mason! Come on, Maddy's waiting for us," Blake yelled, interrupting our make-out session.

"Come on," I said, grabbing her hand and pulling her along.

"She's probably ready to kill us," Blake mumbled.

"Dude will you chill," I said, getting annoyed with all his complaining.

We walked out to his car, but of course Maddy wasn't there. "Where the hell is she? I told her to meet me here," Blake yelled.

"She probably just got a ride from weird and weirder," I said, causing Mackenzie and Bianca to laugh. "Let's just go."

I sat in the back with Mackenzie. She was kissing my neck. I let out a moan, not really knowing whether or not it was real.

"I love you, Mason," Mackenzie said, sitting up and looking into my eyes.

"What a coincidence," I said, faking excitement.

"Why? Do you love me too?" she asked hopeful.

"No, I love me too," I replied chuckling quietly. Stupid chick.

She smacked my chest, hard. "Blake, stop the car," she yelled. "Mason, your such an ass." I watched as she opened the door and stormed out.

"Are you going to go after her?" Blake asked.

"No, she'll come to her senses later. Just drive," I replied.

She's so overactive. So what if I didn't love her? I know for a fact that she doesn't actually love me. She's just using me for sex. How stupid does she think I am? I mean, really?

Bianca was chewing in her lip, and glancing between Blake and Mackenzie nervously. "Blake? Can you pull over, because Mackenzie forgot her phone."

Blake slowly pulled off the road, and gave Bianca a peck on the cheek. "Sure, and sorry for Mason's douche attitude. Do you want me to wait until Mackenzie's butler picks you up?"

"It's okay babe. Thanks for the ride, well, almost ride. Can I come over tonight?" Blake nodded, and he leaned over and gave Bianca a lingering kiss. She got out, slammed the door, and waved, until we pulled out.

"So, if your coming over, Maddy's friends will be there, so prepare to be nice." Blake eased into his driveway, and slammed the door shut. I followed, and ran a hand through my hair.

"Blake!" Maddy shouted, pouncing on his back. She suddenly dropped to the floor when I came into view. "Oh. You're here." I burst out laughing at her sullen expression. She had her bottom lip jutted out, and her brows furrowed, and I wanted to walk over to her, rub out the crease between her eyes, and bite her bottom lip.

"Humph!" She whirled around and stormed into the kitchen, and that's when the intoxicating scent came over me. Cookies!

I strolled into the kitchen, and saw Maddy, eating a cookie, with that kid... Austen's arm around her waist. A pang of jealousy went through me. Blake was silently cracking up, and sneaking up behind Peyton with some whipped cream. I watched Maddy's eyes widen, her mouth opening to warn Peyton, but to no prevail. The whipped cream got sprayed all over Peyton's fiery red hair, causing her to whirl around angrily. Once she saw it was Blake all hell broke loose.

Peyton grabbed a bag of flour, and dumped it on Blake. Maddy had some pudding, and tossed it at the unsuspecting me.

Let's just say none of us 5 went down without a fight. But in the end Maddy's team was victorious. "Bye guys! See you tomorrow."

The front door slammed shut, and Maddy stalked towards her room.

I whipped out my phone, and called Mackenzie. Right now I really wanted a good hookup. She was probably still mad at me, but I could change that.

"Hello?" she asked, her voice as annoying as always.

"Hey, do you want to come over Blake's and have a good time?" I asked her, my voice deep and seductive.

"I'm mad at you."

"Babe, look, I was going to tell you I loved you, but you stormed out of the car so fast. I'm really sorry," I lied.

"We'll be over soon."

I hung up and layed out on the couch. I heard the shower running. It was probably Maddy cleaning herself off.

My mind wonder back to when I saw her with that Austen kid. Another pang of jealousy came over me. I need to stop getting so jealous. I'm acting like a prick. If anything she should be jealous of me. I've got the hottest girl in school, and every girl gawking over me. I've even seen a few guys look twice.

"Hey man," Blake said taking the seat on the couch across from me.

"Hey. Mackenzie and Bianca should be he-" the sound of the door cut me off. "Or now," I mumbled getting up and answering the door.  

They both smiled up at me, there hair wrapped around their fingers. I gave them a small smirk and let them in. Bianca went straight over to Blake, while Mackenzie stood in front of me. She ran her hands up my chest and around my neck. A wider smirk grew on my face as she stood on her toes and kissed me.

I heard feet travel down the steps. "Ew, why are they here?" Maddy asked, while whining like a 4 year old. I chuckled and looked up at her. 

Her bottom lip pouting out slightly. I smirked at her than looked back down at Mackenzie. I ran my hand through her think blond hair. I heard Maddy storm off somewhere when I leaned down to kiss Mackenzie. I ran my tongue over her bottom lip causing her to moan. It wasn't a sexy moan, like most girls, it was annoying and it turned you off, but after a while you get use to it.

I picked her up and wrapped her legs around my waist. I felt like her tan was so fake, it might actually rub off on my t-shirt. Oh well. She was really experienced, ya know?

We made our way up the stairs, and I saw Maddy scrubbing the kitchen. Karma's a b*tch. I backed up into a dark room, and Kenzie pushed me onto a bed. I felt her unzip my pants, and tug them down to my ankles. She was about to do the rest, when she decided to strip. She had a nice body, I'll admit, but she looked too... fake. She crawled onto my lap and was rubbing against me, when the lights flipped on, and then soon after a horrified squeak. I peered around the room, and recognized the lavender walls, and paintings. I was in Maddy's room. Kenzie whipped her head around, and gave Maddy an annoyed once over. "Do you mind?" She trilled, her voice piercing the silent atmosphere.

Maddy dashed out of the room, and I pushed Kenzie off. "Sorry, babe. Moments ruined." She muttered a few obscenities under her breath, and quickly pulled on her pink lace undergarments, pink skinny jeans and white Juicy top. Everything looked four sizes to small, and I found it shocking I just realized. Well, I thought, We don't spend much time together with clothes on.

She was grabbing her sky scraper heels, when I heard Maddy screeching at Blake. Blake was just brushing it off, and Maddy stormed out of the house, knocking Kenzie on her butt in the process. I watched her wait for someone, when Austen pulled up. I was fuming, and I just realized Kenzie was sucking my neck.

I shoved her away, and she turned and slammed the door, heading to Bianca's car. Bianca followed suit, until it was just me and Blake. We headed for the living room, when I worked up the nerve to ask him. "Is Maddy dating that Austen kid?" I was praying for something good.

"No!" Blake shouted, a horrified yet amused expression lurking. "God no! You do know he's gay, right?"

I hung my head in shame. Huh. Now I feel like a total imbecile.

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