Chapter 7

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To:Sean <3

From: Maddy

Heyy! I was wondering if you could come ovr 4 dinnr 2 meet the folks??

Sent at: 3:59pm

To: Maddy

From: Sean <3

Sure! Love 2. xox

Sent at: 4:01pm

To: Sean <3

From: Maddy

YAY! C u at 6?

Sent at: 4:03pm


From: Sean <3

Yup ;)

Sent at: 4:05pm

I ran around my room, flinging clothes around. I eventually pulled out a pair of faded skinny jeans, black leather flats, a black flowy top and a gray singlet underneath. I nodded approvingly at my reflection, and dashed for my bathroom.

I whisked out my curling iron, and plugged it into the wall, letting the sleek ,black metal heat up. While I waited, I applied light makeup, and pink gloss. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see steam curling up, so I began twisting my hair around it, and releasing, leaving perfect spirals.

I had finally finished my appearance, and walked down stairs to help mom. "Mommy?" I asked sweetly, batting my eyelashes.

"Yes honey?" She murmured, stirring the pasta contently.

"Well, you see I was hoping me and Sean could eat dessert in my room?" I played up the eyelashes and pouted.

"Sure." She replied, not even glancing at my performance. Humph!

"Where's dad?" I asked, snapping her out of her trance. She did a double take once her eyes landed on me.

"I like you outfit." she smiled. "Your father is upstairs preparing the talk." Oh god. Why me?

"Okay." I mumble, heading to the living room. I flopped on the couch and turned on the T.V.

A million thought's were flowing through my head. What if my parents don't like Sean? What if Sean doesn't like my parents? What if this night turns out to be a disaster? What if they don't let me hang out with him?

"Hey." Blake said, as he came down the steps. I wonder if he knows about Sean coming over yet? I never told him, and he wasn't here when I told mom and dad.

"Hey, are you ready for tonight?" I asked, as my phone beeped. It was a text, from Sean.

To: Maddy

From: Sean <3

I''ll be there in 5.

Sent at 5:25

"What's so special about tonight?" he asks, sitting on the couch across from the one I'm sitting on.

"Well... um... we will have someone accompanying us for dinner. This person is kind of important to me right now, so I need you on your best behavior. I don't want you to embarrass me or make a fool of yourself-"


"Because that would embarrass you and me, and I don't think either of-"


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