Chapter 1

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Beep Beep Beep Be-

I slam my fist down on top of my alarm clock, and slowly pick myself up out of my warm, cozy bed. I start trudging towards my en-suite, when my foot bumps into something, and, being as coordinated as I am, I trip. Thank god that I didn't get rug burn on my face. Again.

I quickly stripped out of my pajama shorts and tank top, to shower off. The warm water started letting out steam, I hopped into the shower. I let the tepid water rinse off my body, refreshing me and awakening me.

After toweling off, drying my hair and applying some makeup, I head into my closet. I browsed through my closet and settled on some white, ripped skinny jeans, a red singlet, and a white cardigan. I head out of my bedroom, and walk down the stairs, to my kitchen.

My mom already made breakfast, and so far two boys were devouring every last crumb of pancakes. Two certain boys.

"Blake! Mason! Save me a pancake, for the love of all things holy!" I plopped down next to Blake, and snatched a pancake from his and Mason's plates. Snickering to myself, I chomp down on the pancakes, before they realized.

"Hey!" Blake protested, "Those are my pancakes!".  Mason mumbled some sort of agreement.

"Well," I stated, "You should have saved me some! And Mason, you should've learned your lesson by now. No one touches my gummy bears."

They fell silent, and we finished breakfast. They were probably tired of my attitude, and missing all the female attention they receive once school starts.

"C'mon! Let's go! Sca-dattle!" My mom was shouting out the window. Blake hopped in the driver side, and I slid in the passenger side seat. Next thing I know, my butt is no longer in the seat, and I am tossed over someone's shoulder. I felt the 'someone's' shoulder vibrate with silent laughter, as they tossed me in the back seat.

"Maddy!" Mason mock-scolded, "I always sit here. First my pancakes, now my seat. You have to respect your elders."

Blake started the car, and we sped to school, seeing as our interruption delayed us.

The second we pull into school, my brother's usual parking space is surrounded by 99.9% of our school's female population. And at the head of the flock is Mackenzie. The head b*tch. And her little follower Bianca. Also known as my brother's girlfriend. Not that that matters to our school. Even though he's taken, they pursue him relentlessly.

As my brother open's the car door, he runs a hand through his dark hair, to perfect his 'just-outta-bed' look.I can practically hear a swoon, as he flashes Bianca a smile, with his perfect teeth and twinkling green eyes.

Mason get's the same reaction, except about 10x more. All of the girls surrounding us audibly sigh, as he winks at me, his eyes sparkling with humor.

I get that look every morning, seeing as I have to fight my way through the throng of girls. Because I am a fellow member of the female species, there for making me undatable, they do not part for me, like I am Moses walking through the Red Sea. No. They only do that for my brother, Mason, and a few of their idiotic friends.

Starting my trek through the crowd, is like joining the army and walking through a battle field. I am happily shocked that I exit, without a fake nail in my hair, with my coffee cup still in hand.

As I enter the glass doors to my school, I hear a squeal, and limbs envelope me, in what I think is a hug. Or my two best friends are trying to strangle me.

They reluctantly pull away, and I take a deep breath. "Guys," I chuckle,"Are you trying to kill your best friend?"

Peyton, my best friend, who's a girl, flips her mane of wild red curls over her shoulder indignantly. "Well!" she started, her voice giving away her amusement. "I did not know that hugging my best friend was illegal!" She flickered her hazel-y green eyes towards Austen, trying to mentally signal him to help her prove a point.

"Right you are, Peyton." he said in a high, falsetto voice. "I was just hugging my friend, and fixing my gorgeous hair. I wasn't informed about that law." To make his statement more clear, he flicked his bronze hair out of his eyes, and his chocolate-y eyes traveled up and down my body. "Maddy!"

"Austen!" I imitated. Usually people would have thought his gaze on my body was uncomfortable. But that's only if you didn't know him. He's gay.

"Tsk, tsk tsk." He scolded," Your wearing white pants after Labor Day! That goes against the laws of fashion."

"Sorry, sorry. They were the only jeans that match my red ballet flats." I gestured down, to my feet.

"Well," Peyton said,"Hate to interrupt... whatever this is. But we should head to class. We have Ms.Glensen. I heard she is super strict with tardiness."

We have all of our classes together, except our arts classes. I have the advanced art class, Austen has fashion design, and Peyton takes Drama.

We head down the hallway, and are chatting happily, when I accidentally bump into someone. "Sorry!" I exclaim... but then I look up and it's Mackenzie. She shoves me into a locker, then checks her nails. Or should I say claws.

"Look, hun. Stay away from Mason and we'll be fine." With that, her and her minions waddled out of the hallway. And I mean waddled . They were shaking their hips so violently, trying to be seductive, when all they accomplished was looking like penguins, with butt spasms.


"Okay class! This year everyone will work on multiple projects." Mrs.Brennson, my art teacher, was currently standing on her desk, barefoot, explaining what our curriculum will be. "You have free reign on the projects, but they all have to share a theme."

Our class was nodding along. Well, class isn't the right word. It was more like a club. there were 6 of us, including myself. I didn't know anyone in here, so I was sitting in the corner.

"So! Come up with your project idea, present it to me. If I agree, start the project. If not, come up with a better idea.!" Ms.Brennson, then hopped of the desk and put on some music. I was shocked when American Idiot by Green Day came on. And it wasn't the clean version. "Guys! Remember! No one can know about my music choice!" Ms.Brennson shouted over the pulsing noise.

I was brain storming ideas. I prefer painting, so I decided to do a collection of paintings. I was going to base them on the world's natural beauties.

When I told Ms.Brennson my idea, she agreed with it, and said to first sketch it out. So, I started a sketch of Niagara Falls.

Maybe this year won't be so bad.

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