Chapter 6

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"GO!" the crowd screamed, as Blake caught the ball and ran down the field. It was amazing how the game was just starting and we were about to get a touchdown. Our team was really talented.

"Hey beautiful." a voice whispered in my ear. I jumped off the bleacher and onto the ground, get curious glances.Ow. I turned and looked at Sean. I automatically blushed. Great, now I look like a klutz... well, I am one... but he didn't need to know that!

"You scared me." I said, placing a hand on my heart and getting back on the bleacher. I took a deep breath, trying to clam my heartbeat.

"I'm sorry." he said, taking the spot next to me.

"That spot was for Peyton." I mumbled. he didn't appear to hear me, so I spoke up. "That spot was for my friend Peyton. Do you think you could switch sides?" He nodded, and moved to my other side. I could feel the heat radiate off his body. Why are boys always the hot ones?

"I'm back wi-" Peyton stop mid sentence when her eyes landed on Sean. "Hey Sean. When did you get her- I mean here?"

"Just a few seconds ago." He replied.

Peyton mumbled an, "Oh" and sat down. 

Sean was watching the game with a bored expression, while me and Peyton cheered furiously whenever Austen or Blake got a touchdown. We even cheered on mason, earning me questioning and jealous glances from Sean.

It was the last 30 seconds of the game, and I was screaming my lungs out, as Blake sped down the field, dodging multiple people from the opposing team, and finally, stumbling over the end line.

The crowd erupted into a unintelligible chant, and the teams shook hands, then parted, heading for the locker rooms. I watched closely as Austen and Mason chatted on the way to the lockers.

What the heck could those two be talking about?

~Peyton's POV~

The music blasted around me, pulsing throughout the room, and I could feel the beat pounding in my head, my body even.

I maneuvered my way through the crowd, elbowing my way past grinding couples. God! PDA control people! It's a party, not a club.

I walked up the stairs, trying to get away from all of the drunk teens and thumping music.

I walked to the end of the hall, and opened a white door cautiously, finding the bathroom. I sighed in relief, and then I heard a retching noise.

I turned to face the toilet, and saw a deathly pale Blake, puking his guts out. I groaned, knowing Maddy would kill me if I didn't help him. I grabbed a wet wash cloth, and poured some cold tap water on it, ringing it out, before placing it on his forehead.

He moaned, and leaned forward, once again releasing waste. I almost barfed at the sight of it, but I had to control myself so I wouldn't puke on his head. That wouldn't be a pretty sight.

I knelt down behind him, running my fingers through his hair. "Thanks Peyton." He croaked, placing his head on my lap. My heart beat sped up, and I continued to play with his hair.

"It's no problem Blake. Your like a big brother to me." I practically spat. He is not like a big brother... otherwise I probably shouldn't be feeling butterflies when I'm near him.

When I said that, I saw a flash of discomfort and hurt. I continued to run my fingers through his hair, and I eventually helped him up. "God your heavy." I groaned, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Sorry." He choked out.

We fought our way through the groping and grinding, and finally made it to the door. The second we opened it, fresh air washed over us, making us gulp it in. I can't believe how toxic that air was!

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